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Books for Ages 5-6

Use this reading list to find books for children ages 5-6.

Books for Ages 5-6

Agapanthus Hum and Major Bark, by Jennifer Plecas
When she loses a tooth, Agapanthus discovers that she can make an angel hoot by blowing through the hole in her smile.

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, by Judith Viorst
On a day when everything goes wrong for him, Alexander is consoled by the thought that other people have bad days too.

Aloha, Dolores, by Barbara Samuels
When Dolores enters her cat, Duncan, in a Meow Munchies Cat Food contest, she's certain Duncan is so good-looking, smart, and talented that he'll win first prize. When a cat named Fifi wins instead, Dolores must rise to the occasion... and with a little help from Faye, she discovers that winning isn't everything.

Amos and Boris, William Steig
A drowning mouse is befriended by a whale in the ocean. Years later in an equally unlikely situation, the mouse has a chance to return the favor.

Bonaparte, by Marsha Wilson Chall
When a young French boy goes away to school, he and his dog are sad to be separated until they find a way to change the school's rules about dogs.

The Bossy Gallito, by Lucia M. Gonzalez
Set in the Little Havana section of Miami, this is the colorful tale of a bossy little rooster on his way to his uncle's wedding.

The Importance of Rules in Games

The Importance of Rules in Games It's in the Cards A set of rules is a prescribed guide for conduct, telling you how to proceed with your next course of action. Read More

Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes
Chrysanthemum loved her name . . . until she went to school. "I'm named after my grandmother, " said Victoria. "You're named after a flower." Chrysanthemum wilted. Nothing got any better--until the students met their music teacher, Mrs. Delphinium Twinkle.

Cold Feet, by Cynthia C. DeFelice
Willie McPhee has fallen on hard times and discovers spooky happenings when he takes much-needed boots off a dead man. Soon Willie's feet are warm...but who is that tapping on the door?

Corduroy at the Zoo, by Don Freeman
Corduroy and his friends are taking a trip to the zoo. Find the mischievous monkeys playing hide-and-seek in the Jungle Walk, or spot the wombats in the Australia exhibit.

The Doorbell Rang, by Pat Hutchins
Ma has made a dozen delicious cookies. It should be plenty for her two children. But then the doorbell rings -- and rings and rings and rings.

Everything to Spend the Night From A to Z, by Ann Whitford Paul
Rollicking rhymes and illustrations packed with funny details reflect this exuberant narrator's delight as she pulls one thing after another out of her overnight bag and invites her grandpa to join in the fun.

Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep: A Yarn About Wool, by Teri Sloat
Farmer Brown was shearing sheep, piling up a snowy heaps of wool that filled his shed, knee-deep. But when the temperature drops, his shivering sheep see all their wool in sacks--and "BAAA!" they cry. "WE WANT IT BACK!"

Hamster Chase, by Anastasia Suen
The class hamster gets loose and it's up to Peter, Amy, and Archie to find him and lure him back into his cage.

How To Catch An Elephant, by Amy Schwartz
Enjoy this zany tale about a journey into the wilds where elephants live and about the fun of catching one -- a process that is utterly logical and utterly nuts.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Numeroff Relating the cycle of requests a mouse is likely to make after you give him a cookie takes the reader through a young child's day.

Is Your Mama a Llama?, by Deborah Guarino
A young llama asks his friends if their mamas are llamas and finds out, in rhyme, that their mothers are other types of animals.

It's Justin Time, Amber Brown, by Paula Danziger
Amber wants a watch for her seventh birthday more than anything so she can feel more grown-up and she will always know exactly how late Justin Daniels, her best friend, is.

Letters and Sounds (Get Set for Kindergarten series), by Rosemary Wells
Timothy and his kindergarten classmates learn about the alphabet, sounds, and rhyming. Includes activities on letter recognition, single and multiple syllable words, and words that start with consonants and vowels.

The Lion and the Mouse and Other Aesop Fables, by Doris Orgel
Getting there is half the fun with this pair, and along the way Minnie and Moo pick up a busload of equally adventurous animal friends from nearby Africa World, careen through a car wash they believe is China, and find themselves trading stories under a night sky in what they hope is America.

The Little Engine that Could, by Watty Piper
Although he's not very big, the Little Blue Engine agrees to try to pull a stranded train full of toys over the mountain.

Minnie and Moo Go to Paris, by Denys Cazet
Getting there is half the fun with this pair, and along the way (past an electrical tower they think is the Eiffel), Minnie and Moo pick up a busload of equally adventurous animal friends from nearby Africa World, careen through a car wash they believe is China, and find themselves trading stories under a night sky in what they hope is America

Owl Moon, by Jane Yolen
On a winter's night under a full moon, a father and daughter trek into the woods to see the Great Horned Owl.

Old Thunder and Miss Raney, by Sharon Darrow
Miss Raney is determined to win a ribbon for her biscuits at the county fair until a tornado changes her plans.

Quick as a Cricket, by Audrey Wood
A joyful celebration of a child's growing self-awareness. This classic children's book is a favorite of parents and teachers.

Q is for Duck: An Alphabet Guessing Game, by Mary Elting
Why does A stand for zoo, B for dog, and C for hen? The young reader finds out in this amusing game based on the alphabet.

Ring! Yo?, by Chris Raschka
RING! YO? gives young readers only one side of the conversation -- and asks them to use their imaginations to fill in the other half.

Something BIG Has Been Here, by Jack Prelutsky
Here are four vain and ancient tortoises, a rat of culture, a meatloaf that defies an ax, five flying hotdogs, and more people, animals, and things that will amuse and delight.

"Stand Back," said the Elephant, "I'm Going to Sneeze", by Patricia Thomas
Knowing the havoc it will cause, all the animals try to prevent the elephant from sneezing.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter
Mr. McGregor has two things on his mind when he sees Peter in his garden. One is the safety of his lettuces; the other is rabbit pie. Peter was warned not to go into Mr. McGregor's garden, but some little bunnies have to learn things the hard way.

Three Cheers for Catherine the Great!, by Cari Best
A little English, a little Russian, and a lot of heart make a birthday celebration you won't want to miss. This lively borscht-and-blintzes birthday celebration shows that sometimes no presents can be the best presents of all.

Tomorrow's Alphabet, by George Shannon
A is for seed, B is for eggs, C is for milk -- what's going on here? The seed is tomorrow's Apple, the eggs are tomorrow's Birds, the milk is tomorrow's Cheese!

Town Mouse, Country Mouse, by Jan Brett
After trading houses, the country mice and the town mice discover there's no place like home.

Willie's Birthday, by Anastasia Suen
A "Bring Your Pet" birthday party gets out of hand when the pets show more interest in chasing each other than in celebrating.

Yoshi's Feast, by Kimiko Kajikawa
Long ago there lived a fan maker named Yoshi who loved to eat broiled eels but the cook wants to charge him for the ones he smells as well as eats! How Yoshi repays the cook makes for a witty, satisfying tale about the pleasures of give and take.

Young Classics: Alice in Wonderland, by Julie Fior
In this Young Classic edition, children discover the extraordinarily imaginative world of Wonderland. Photography and background information helps to establish the setting, and bring Alice in Wonderland to new life for a new generation of children.

Make Way for Ducklings, by Robert McCloskey
When Mrs. Mallard and her eight ducklings are stuck at a busy street in downtown Boston, their policeman friend Michael rushes in to stop traffic and make it safe for them to cross.

Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak
A miniature version of Maurice Sendak's story about Max, a little boy who sails to the land of the Wild Things.

Winnie the Pooh, by A. A. Milne
The adventures of Christopher Robin and his friends, in which Pooh Bear uses a balloon to get honey, Piglet meets a Heffalump, and Eeyore has a birthday.

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