A Box of ABC's
A Box of ABC's
Age: 3 to 5
Time: 5 minutes or longer
Type of Activity: Learning through art
Materials needed:
- A shallow box, box top, or baking pan
- Uncooked rice
- Dark colored paper or paint (optional)
What to do:
For the best effect, paint the bottom of the box a dark color or tape down dark-colored paper.
Pour in a thin layer of rice. Shake the box lightly until the rice evenly covers the bottom.
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In today’s digital age, screens are everywhere—tablets, phones, TVs, and computers are a constant presence in our children’s lives. While technology offers incredible learning opportunities and entertainment, too much screen time can impact their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Read More
Your child can begin by drawing lines in the rice.
If letters are a new concept, guide his hand to write the first letter of his name.
Shake the box and try it again!
Variation: Your child may draw pictures of any object, such as an apple, tree, or face. Keep the learning aspect by having him identify the letter that the picture starts with and writing it in the rice.