One reason that young children are shy in preschool is that they may not have had much opportunity to interact with peers. Why don't you invite some of your daughter's classmates to your home so she can play with them in a familiar and comfortable environment? Also, arrange for your daughter to play with a younger child - she'll easily assume the role of leader.
Your daughter also needs to have you model appropriate social behavior. Let her see how you greet friends and meet new people. Try playing school with her, and role-play such activities as "Show and Tell."
While the teacher is helping your child overcome her shyness at school, here are some additional parenting practices that you can use to discourage shyness:
- Encourage your child to talk to you. Then keep the lines of communication open by really listening to her.
- Limit isolating activities such as watching TV. Instead, watch with your child, and turn the volume down during commercials to discuss what you are seeing together.
- Praise her positive handling of social situations.
- Give your child some undivided attention each day.
- Help your child become independent by teaching her such skills as dressing herself and brushing her teeth. The more independent children feel, the more confident they become.