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By Robin Enan
Communicating with Teens
Teens, Teen Social Development, Communicating with Teens
By Jacqueline Weiss
Teens, Teen Social Development, Communicating with Teens
By Charise Rohm Nulsen
Teens, Teen Social Development, Communicating with Teens
By Jacqueline Weiss
  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    This article explains how to keep up a strong relationship with your child during the college years.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    How can you trust your daughter if she is not trustworthy? You should set the expectations, boundaries, and consequences for study and dating.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    A 13-year-old wants to get a belly button piercing, but you can say "no" to a tween without having reasons to back you up.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    It's natural to be a little envious of your teen. Read advice for parents who are experiencing it.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    When parents look back on their own adolescence it helps them understand their own teens better.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    It may not seem like it, but there will be many times when your teens will want -- and need -- your company. You just have to be able to spot them!

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    A seventh-grader who has already been suspended several times, and is showing such a temper, is in desperate need of some tough love.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    A teenager wants to know how she can improve her relationship with her negative mother.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    A mother who read her daughter's diary is disturbed by what she found out. What should she do now?

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    What can you do when you feel that your parents are violating your privacy?

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    This is a normal, healthy stage in adolescent development, where the child seeks to pull away from her parents.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Here's some advice for bridging the mother-daughter divide during your daughter's teen years.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    Our expert calls this parental behavior "morally bankrupt, self-serving, and damaging."

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    Here are the words you need to talk with your preteens and teenagers about terrorism and war.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    How can a mother approach her daughter after reading upsetting revelations in her diary without her daughter's permission?

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    Arguments about room privacy are a normal part of teens pulling away from the influence, control, and authority of their parents.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    This article reviews some books helpful to parents with children in highschool.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    Find some helpful advice if the thought of leaving your teens home alone makes you uneasy.

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