If you’re stumped for gift ideas and you're wondering what the best toys are, forget about all the new toys on the market. Instead, put some tunes on your retro record player and consider one of these classic toys.
Editor’s Note: We know raising kids can be hard. That’s why we’re dedicated to making your life easier with the latest and greatest parenting advice and products. We wanted to let you know that if you chose to purchase one of the items featured in this post, we may receive a small commission for it.
Classic toys like jack in the box, etch a sketch, play doh, sock monkeys, cars, or kaleidoscopes send us into bouts of nostalgia, and honestly, some of these toys still can’t be beat after all this time. Your old collectibles and your favorite playsets might be the perfect gift for your little one.
If you’re stumped for gift ideas and you're wondering what the best toys are, forget about all the new toys on the market. Instead, put some tunes on your retro record player and consider one of these classic toys.
When Mr. Potato Head debuted, it was nothing more than a collection of plastic facial features. You actually had to supply the potato. Over the years, Mr. Potato Head has gone through some changes: he married, had little spuds, and eventually gained a plastic body. And although he's spun himself off into software, books, and a starring role in the Toy Story series, his charm remains the same.
If you had one of these collectibles -- or if your parents had one of these -- chances are, it's still in the basement somewhere. That's because the metal frame and solid construction means this bike never dies. This is a great way to scoot around the neighborhood. It's easy to steer and looks great with a little bell on the handle bars!
If you’re looking for the best homemade playdough recipe, chances are we’ve included it here. There’s something for everyone from cooked to no-cook, edible to gluten-free. Roll up your sleeves and pretend you’re a preschool teacher, your kids will thank you by being occupied for hours. Read More
Elefun and Friends Barrel of Monkeys Game
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Best for Math and Early Learning
It was a simple, but endlessly frustrating concept: A bunch of monkeys lived in a barrel and could be hooked onto each other. Could you hook them all together without breaking the chain? Nope, you couldn't. All the monkeys hooked together were taller than you, after all. But what a great way to practice patience and hand-eye coordination! Today's monkeys come in a larger size than you remember – just right for small hands.
Seriously, what could be more classic? Sure, a good set of wooden blocks can be expensive, but think back to the complex structures you built as a kid, with secret rooms, soaring towers, and daring bridges. Childhood just isn't the same without those feats of architectural bravado. Blocks stand the test of time, too, keeping your child interested from the toddler years through grade school.
Continuing on a theme, this is another great building toy. Remember all the fences, walls and...well...log cabins you put together with these? You could make entire towns for your action figures and garages for your Hot Wheels cars.
And speaking of these little metal cars, remember racing these hot wheels along those little orange tracks? You'd build them over the couch and down the stairs to see who's car could go the fastest? Well, they're still around, orange tracks and all! There are thousands of cars to choose from, and they come in all kinds of multi-packs of collectibles. Grab some track sets and you're good to go!
Today’s car lover can also drive their own car with oh-so-popular ride-on toys like this one.
Winning Moves Games Classic Twister
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A Toy to Get You Moving on a Rainy Day
Get you kids' wiggles out with this classic game. Let them twist and turn until their ready for bed! And why not jump in and play, too? Now that you're bigger, the colors are a lot easier to reach!
A new and super fun game mixes the two award-winning classics, Twister and Scrabble, making the Mashups Twister Scrabble Game.
PlayMonster Magnetic Personalities - Original Wooly Willy
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Best Toy for a Car Trip
Got a car trip in the future? Don't want to hand over your phone to keep the kids occupied. Throw a couple of these in the car and let your younger kids have fun giving Wooly Willy hair on his head, his chin and... in his nose? Come on, you know you did it, too!
Follow the lights and sounds and do what Simon says! Yup, this game is still around. It's not only a great ‘80s classic, it also teaches colors, patterns and hand-eye coordination. So, you're not just getting a toy you can sneak after the kids go to bed. You're getting something educational!
K'NEX TINKERTOY - Classic Building Tin - 100 Parts
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A Good Choice for Your Little Tinkerer
Talk about a classic toy! Tinker Toys were created in 1914. They've been used to make everything from simple structures to complex machines, and even a tic-tac-toe-playing computer. Think of all the things your brilliant kid could make with these!
Kids who loved to tinker back in the day will love to code today. Try this coding toy for a more modern update.
Classic Operation Game
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A Game to Learn about the Human Body
Remember all the near-heart attacks you got when you touched the edges and heard that buzz? Gift your child the same gift of total shock! The organs have changed a bit from when you were a kid, but the game is still the same!
This is a fun, creative toy that lets kids explore shapes, patterns and design. They can use it to make cards for friends and family, or just goof around with different spiraling shapes. You may even find yourself stealing this one to relive your own childhood.
Fisher-Price Little People Caring for Animals Farm
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Best Play Farm Play Set
This award-winning farm playset might be retro but your little one will love it just as much as you did! The Fisher Price classic farm just doesn't get old.