A lot of women and girls have dreams of being a mermaid. How could we not? Many millennial moms came of age watching Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Ariel has been an idol for girls ever since.
More: 50 Sassy Girl Names
While you may never get to fully live your dreams of being a mermaid, you can use mermaids and their culture to influence your baby girls’ name. Here’s a list of 75 baby girl names inspired by mermaids, the sea and everything in between.
Mermaid Names for Your Little Girl that Start with A to C
- Adella - one of Ariel’s mermaid sisters, this name means “noble.”
- Aerwyna - this Old English name, pronounced ERW-ih-NAH, means “friend of the sea.”
- Amatheia - want your little mermaid to be a friend of those with fins? This Greek name means “nurses of fish.”
- Anahita - this is the Old Persian format of the Irainan goddess of the water.
- Anaitis - the Greek for of Anahita.
- Annette - Annette Keller was the first actress to play a mermaid on film back in 1911.
- Aqua - you can’t get much more of a mermaid name than this, the Latin word for water.
- Aquata - you can also spell this uncommon name that is another of Ariel’s sisters ‘Aquanta.’
- Araxie - taken from the Armenian River Arax, this name can be pronounced ah-RAHK-see or AH-rah-see.
- Ariel - while it doesn’t actually have a water meaning, it is arguably the most famous mermaid of all. Meaning “lion of God” in Hebrew. You can also use the alternate more feminine spelling Arielle.
- Asherah - meaning “she who walks in the sea,” this is the name of a goddess of motherhood and fertility.
- Asia - a Greek nereid (sea nymph) and daughter of Oceanus.
- Asrai - in English folklore, Asrai are aquatic fairies similar to mermaids. They couldn’t survive daylight, and only came to the surface once a century.
- Athena - the Greek goddess of war and invention shares the name of mermaid queen Athena, aka Ariel’s mother.
- Ava - not only is this the name of a mermaid on the show H20, this name means “water” in Romansh and “passage through a coral reef for boats” in Samoan.
- Avalon - meaning “island of apples,” it’s the name of the Isle where water spirit Melusine lived.
- Bayou - evoking Louisiana vibes, this name meaning “small, slow stream” originates from the Choctaw word bayuk.
- Beatrice - another one of the Norfolk mermaids, means “she who brings happiness.”
- Brizo - the Greek goddess of sailors.
- Brooke - the name of a small stream, this name is of Irish origin.
- Calypso - this name for a Greek sea nymph is also a style of Caribbean music.
- Cari - it means “flows like water” in Turkish.
- Cascade - this French name means “waterfall” and is a beautiful and uncommon name.
- Ceto - this name comes from a Greek sea goddess who was the daughter of Gaia and Pontus.
- Cleodora - the daughter of a river god and lover of Poseidon.
- Coral - mermaids likely swim through this stony underwater substance that is often a pinky/orange color.
- Coralie - if Coral feels too literal, this is a French name deriving from the Latin word ‘coralium’ which translates to “coral.”
- Coralia - a variation of Coralie, this is the name of a mermaid from an 18th century ballet.
Mermaid Names for Your Little Girl that Start with D to L
- Daryah - meaning “sea” in Persian, this name has two pronunciations: DEH-er-AYAH or DA-ryah.
- Delphine - this French name means “dolphin,” which is fitting how it’s believed that old sailors mistook dolphins for mermaids.
- Dione - a Greek nereid known as “the divine.”
- Dominique - this French name meaning “of God” is another of the Norfolk mermaids.
- Doris - the Greek nereid of the sea’s bounty.
- Esther - meaning “star,” Esther Williams was a swimmer and film star known as the “million dollar mermaid.”
- Eudora - the Greek nereid of “fine gifts.”
- Galene - the Greek nereid of the “calm” seas.
- Halia - this Hawaiian name is the Greek nereid of the “brine.”
- Iaira - one of the Greek nereids.
- Ianthe - the Greek ocean nymph meaning “purple flower,” it's pronounced ee-AN-thee.
- Ione - one of the nereids.
- Kai - the Hawaiian name means “sea.”
- Kaia - another short and sweet name, it means “the sea” in Hawaiian and “pure” in Greek.
- Kailani - another Hawiian name, this means “sea and sky.”
- Kallianassa - one of the nereids, “the lovely queen.”
- Klymene - the nereid of “fame.”
- Lana - it may evoke an Old Hollywood vibe, but in Hawiian, it means “afloat in calm waters.”
- Lola - this Spanish name that means “lady of sorrows” is the name of a mermaid statue in Norfolk, Virginia.
- Lorelai - this name comes from German folklore of a woman who threw herself into the sea and became a siren who lured men to destruction.
- Luna - this celestial name is the connection between the moon and sea.
Mermaid Names for Your Little Girl that Start with M to Z
- Madison - if you’ve ever seen the 80s rom-com Splash with Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah, you’d know that Hannah plays a mermaid named Madison.
- Maira - a nereid, it can also be spelled Maera.
- Maj - this brief name originates in the Nordic countries and means “one from the sea.”
- Maraja - this Esperanto name means “made of the sea.”
- Marcelline - more than just a vampire queen, this French name means “defender of the sea.”
- Marin - this Irish name means “star of the sea.” You can also spell it Maren.
- Marina - some may think it’s a place to leave your boat, but this Latin name means “a man of the sea.”
- Maris - English name meaning “of the sea.”
- Mazu - a water goddess and protector of sailors in Chinese mythology.
- Melusine - this French name is a figure of English folklore, a female spirit of fresh water who shared characteristics of mermaids.
- Meri - this sweet short name means “the sea” in Finnish.
- Meribella - in Latin, this -ella name means “star of the sea.”
- Moana - this Disney princess name means “wide expanse of water, deep sea” in Maori.
- Muriel - this vintage sounding name is English with Gaelic elements and means “bright sea.
- Naia - perfect for water babies, this Basque name means “wave” or “sea foam.”
- Namiko - this Japanese name means “child of the waves,” perfect for your little merbaby.
- Nerida - this Greek name means “mermaid."
- Nix - in Norse/Germanic mythology, these are water spirits who appear in human form.
- Nixie - this cute name is also the name of a water spirit.
- Ondine - this name meaning “small waves,” is the name of a novella, ballet and movie about a water nymph.
- Sabrina - this name meaning “from the River Severn,” it’s the name of a Celtic river goddess.
- Sequana - in Celtic mythology, she was the goddess of the River Seine.
- Sereia - meaning “mermaid,” this Portuguese name sounds like the word siren.
- Thaleia - also spelled Thalia, the nereid of the “blooming sea.”
- Urmi - this Hindu name means “wave of the sea.”
- Zenevieva - this Celtic name means “white wave.”
For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:
- Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S.
- Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in the U.S.
- The 100 Coolest Baby Names in the World
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