Stanley D. Klein, Ph.D
Award-Winning Researcher and Author in Child Psychology
![Dr. Stanley](
About Stanley
The father of two adult children, Stanley is an award-winning researcher, author, and speaker in child psychology, specializing in children with disabilities and their families, and doctor-parent communication when delivering difficult diagnostic news. Having worked as a counselor at a camp for children with cerebral palsy when he was only a college freshman, Stanley learned what it is like to be a parent of children with disabilities 24/7. This inspired Stanley to train as a clinical psychologist and he has since worked at many universities across Massachusetts, written 5 books, founded and served as Editor-in-Chief of Exceptional Parent magazine, founded and served as Director of DisABILITIESBOOKS, Inc., and been a regular contributor to InSight, (the national newsletter of The Arc). He has also discussed children with disabilities and their parents on TV and radio, and has served as the co-chair of the Obama Disability Policy Committee and Consultant to the Mayor’s Office for the City of Boston.
Background and Experience
- B.A., Lehigh University.
- A.M., Clark University (Psychology)
- Ph.D., Clark University (Psychology)
FamilyEducation Area of Expertise
Stanley is an FamilyEducation expert specializizng in child psychology and parenting children with disabilities.