Prevnar (PCV7) is approved for routine administration to all children less than two years of age, beginning at two months of age. It is still suggested for children who did not begin receiving it at that age, but fewer doses are then necessary for catch-up to give good protection. Some mild local and systemic reactions, including fever, are associated with giving this vaccine to children, but all reactions are not serious and are self-limited. It can be given at the same time as all of the other usual childhood immunizations.
My advice is that your daughter should get two doses of the vaccine at least six to eight weeks apart, assuming there are no contraindications to receiving it. This is based solely on her age, not on any particular risk factors. The two ear infections she's had so far don't place her at high risk for this infection. PCV7 is safe, produces a good amount of antibodies (substances in the blood to fight infection), and is highly effective in preventing some of the serious diseases caused by certain types of these bacteria. Talk with your daughter's doctor about it very soon.
Hank Bernstein
Children's Hospital