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Indonesia is a country of 17,000 islands situated between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The first people arrived in Indonesia roughly 40,000 years ago when it was still joined with mainland Asia by a landbridge.
As far back as 400 B.C., the Indonesian people traded with China and India. Through that trade, the country was introduced to Hinduism and Buddhism.
The Dutch colonized Indonesia in the 17th c. The British and Dutch often rivaled for power in the island nation. During WWII, Japan invaded Indonesia and ruthlessly exploited the people and the resources.
The country has a challenging, complex, and brutal history at times, but the culture of the native Indonesian people continued to persevere and thrive.
Baby names in Indonesia have been influenced by the various cultures and countries they’ve been colonized by, invaded by, and traded with throughout history.
If you want to learn more about Indonesian names, check out our list of Indonesian baby names with meanings.
Indonesian Boy Names and Meanings
- Abyasa - Javanese. Clever.
- Adhi - Earth. King. First.
- Adhiarja - Sanskrit. Safety.
- Aditya - Sanskrit. The sun.
- Agung - Bahasa. The great.
- Ahmad - Islamic. Praised one.
- Angkasa - The sky.
- Anwar - Muslim. More luminous.
- Arief - Arabic. Honest.
- Arif - This Arabic name means wise.
- Bagus - Javanese. Good. Beautiful.
- Banyu - Indonesian origin. Water.
- Basuki - To flourish.
- Bimo - Indonesian origin. Dear.
- Bintang - Indonesian origin. Star. Bitang is also used as a family name.
- Budi - The wise one.
- Candra - Indonesian origin. Moon.
- Chayono - Javanese. Bright.
- Elang - Indonesian origin. Falcon.
- Fadhlan - Indonesian origin. A gift from God.
- Fajar - Arabic. Dawn.
- Guntur - Thunder.
- Harta - Indonesian origin. Treasure.
- Joyo - Indonesian origin. Successful, victorious.
- Kadek - Balinese. A common name among Arabic and Muslim people in Indonesia, it means second-born.
- Kristiono - Christian man.
- Kulon - Indonesian origin. West.
- Muhammad - Arabic. Praiseworthy. Also used as a surname.
- Murni - A pure soul.
- Nakula - Indonesian origin. Twin.
- Perdana - Indonesia origin. First born child.
- Reza - Arabic. Contentment.
- Rizky - Arabic. Blessing.
- Setiawan - Sanskrit. Faithful
- Surya - Indonesian origin. Sun.
- Timur - Indonesian origin. East.
Indonesian Girl Names and Meanings
- Alid - Horse lover.
- Antara - Hindi. Lovely goddess. A notation in music.
- Annisa - Arabic. Woman.
- Astria - Latin/English. Star. From the stars.
- Aulia - Indonesian origin.Leader.
- Budiwati - Indonesian origin. The wise one.
- Bulan - Indonesian origin. The moon.
- Citra - Sanskrit. Image.
- Darma - Sanskrit. A variation of the religious term Dharma.
- Dewi - Sanskrit. A variation of Devi, which means goddess.
- Diah - Indonesian origin. Young female.
- Diann - Javanese. A candle.
- Eka - Urdu.Matchless, unique, and name for the goddess Durga.
- Elok - Indonesian origin. Beautiful or jewel.
- Endah - Indonesian origin. Beautiful.
- Fitri - Arabic. Purity.
- Indah - Indonesian origin. Pretty.
- Intan - Indonesian origin. Diamond.
- Karmela - Hebrew. Garden. The garden of God.
- Kemuning - Indonesian origin. Yellow flower.
- Kirana - Indonesian origin. Beautiful sunbeam.
- Kristiyana - Indonesian origin. A Christian woman.
- Lestari - Javanese. Eternal, abiding.
- Mawar - Malay. Rose.
- Mega - Indonesian origin. Clouds.
- Melati - Sanskrit. Jasmine flower.
- Ningrat - Indonesian origin. Noble.
- Ningsih - Indonesian origin. With love.
- Ndari - Muslim. Full moon.
- Nurul - Arabic. Light.
- Putri - Sanskrit. Princess, daughter.
- Roro - Indonesian origin. Nobility.
- Saphira - Greek. Sapphire. Gem.
Gender Neutral Indonesian Names
Many names in Indonesia can change gender by switching a vowel. For example, Putra means son, and Putri means daughter. There are, however, some Indonesian baby names that are considered unisex.
- Ade - Crown.
- Anada - Children. Love.
- Asmara - Indonesian origin.
- Buana - Indonesian origin.Earth.
- Cahya - Indonesian origin. The light.
- Citra - Indonesian origin. Image.
- Dwi Indonesian origin. Second child.
- Eka - Sanskrit. One.
- Gemi - Indonesian origin.Modest lifestyle.
- Kwarta - Indonesian origin. Fourth.
- Mentari - Indonesian origin. The sun. Traditionally a baby girl name but can be used for boys and girls.
- Netra - Indonesian origin. Vision.
- Panca - Indonesian origin. The fifth.
- Rimba - Indonesia origin. This name means jungle. Typically a boy name but is also used for girls.
- Taman - Indonesian origin. Garden.
- Tri - Sanskrit. Third child.