Names that mean light are a great way to honor how brightly your new little one will shine. Choosing your child’s name can be a hard decision, narrowing it down based on the meaning is a great place to start. Children bring innocence, positivity, and natural beauty to the world, all associated with light. Light is also a lovely way to honor nature if you’re looking for naming inspiration.
More: 50 Names That Mean Life for Your Little One
Whether you’re looking for girl names, boy names, or gender-neutral names, we’ve got you covered with this list of 75 baby names that mean light. To get started, check out the origins and name meanings for many different unique ways to describe light.
Baby Girl Names That Mean Light
- Alina - This is a Greek name meaning light.
- Aurora - This is Latin for dawn, the first break of light in the morning.
- Ayla - This is a Turkish name for moonlight.
- Chiara - A Latin name that means bright.
- Ciana - This is Italian for light.
- Dawn - An English name describing the first appearance of light in the morning.
- Elaine - This is a French name meaning shining light.
- Eleanor - A Scottish name meaning light.
- Eliora - A Hebrew name meaning God is my light.
- Ellen - This is a Greek name meaning ray of shining light.
- Faven - An African name meaning light.
- Haylen - This is a unique English name meaning hall of light.
- Helen - This is a Greek name meaning sunray or shining bright.
- Helena - This is a Greek name meaning bright.
- Hikaru - A Japanese name meaning light.
- Ilene - This is another Greek name for light.
- Iliana - A Spanish name meaning ray of light.
- Ilona - This is Hungarian for light.
- Leora - This Greek name means light.
- Lucia - This is Latin for light.
- Luz - This is a Spanish name for light.
- Mahina - A Hawaiian name for moonlight.
- Meira - A Hebrew name for light.
- Nera - A Hebrew name for light or candle.
- Noor - This is Arabic that means light.
- Phoebe - This is Greek for brilliant or radiant, a nice way to honor light.
- Roxana - This is Persian for dawn, the first break of light in the morning.
- Sheridan - This is Gaelic for bright light.
- Thea - This is a Greek Goddess of Light.
- Yelena - This is a Russian name for sunray or shining light.
- Zariya - This is Arabic for beauty and light.
- Zia - An Arabic name for light.
- Ziva - A Hebrew name meaning light of God.
Baby Boy Names That Mean Light
- Abner - A Hebrew name for Father of Light.
- Ambert - This is a German name for bright.
- Apollo - This was the Greek God of Light.
- Barak - An African name for lightning.
- Beacon - This is an English name referring to a beacon of light or shining light.
- Chandler - This is English for candle maker, a unique way to signify light.
- Daggett - This is Scandinavian for daylight.
- Epifan - This is Spanish for bringing light.
- Epiphany - A Spanish name for bringing light.
- Faro - This is Italian for a lighthouse, another unique way to tie in light.
- Guang - A Chinese name for light.
- Haruto - This is a Japanese name for sunlight.
- Horus - This is an Egyptian name for God of Light.
- Jaivyn - This is African for light spirit.
- Jomei - This Japanese name means to spread light.
- Luce - This is Latin for light.
- Lucio - A Latin name for light.
- Lucius - A Latin name meaning illustrious, or light.
- Mitsu - A Japanese name that means light.
- Ori - This is Hebrew for my light.
- Oran - An Irish name meaning light.
- Oron - A Hebrew name for light.
- Orren - This is an Irish name for light.
- Pradeep - This is a Hindi name that means light.
- Raiden - A Japanese name that means lightning.
- Siraj - This is Arabic for light or lamp.
Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Mean Light
- Anwar - An Arabic name for light.
- Cahya - This is Indonesian for The Light.
- Dowan - An English name meaning daybreak, or the first appearance of light.
- Elon - This is Greek for shining light.
- Flash - An American name referring to a bright flash of light.
- Gae - A French name meaning lighthearted.
- Kenzie - A Scottish name that means light one.
- Kiran - A Sanscrit name that means a beam of light.
- Lior - This is Hebrew and means God’s gift of light.
- Lux - A Greek name for light.
- Mahina - A Polynesian name for moonlight.
- Merri - This English name means joyful and lighthearted.
- Nimai - This is Sanskrit and means filled with an inner light.
- Roshan - A Persian name that means bright.
- Shashi - A Japanese name meaning moonlight.
- Ziv - This is Hebrew for the light of God.
Looking for more baby names and inspiration? Check out our Baby Name Center.
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