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Updated: June 9, 2019

Boy name origins & meanings

  • Arabic : Father

Boy name variations

How Popular Is The Name Abbott

Family name origins & meanings

  • English and Scottish : from Middle English abbott ‘abbot’ (Old English abbod) or Old French abet ‘priest’. Both the Old English and the Old French term are derived from Late Latin abbas ‘priest’ (genitive abbatis), from Greek abbas, from Aramaic aba ‘father’. This was an occupational name for someone employed in the household of or on the lands of an abbot, and perhaps also a nickname for a sanctimonious person thought to resemble an abbot. In the U.S. this name is also sometimes a translation of a cognate or equivalent European name, e.g. Italian Abate, Spanish Abad, or German Abt.
  • George Abbot from Yorkshire, England, settled in Andover, MA, in 1640; he had numerous prominent descendants. A certain George Abbott (probably not the same man) died in Rowley, MA, in 1647. James Abbott migrated from Somerset, England, to Long Island, NY, in the 17th century.

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