Table of contents
Girl name origins & meanings
- German : Noble
- Greek : Truth
Girl name variations
Boy name origins & meanings
- Arabic : Greatest; exhalted
- Muslim : Protected by God
Boy name variations
How Popular Is The Name Ali
Family name origins & meanings
- Muslim (widespread throughout the Muslim world) : from the Arabic personal name ‛Ālī ‘high’, ‘lofty’, ‘sublime’. Al-‛Ālī ‘the All-High’ is an attribute of Allah. Abdul-‛Ālī means ‘servant of the All-High’. ‛Ālī ibn Abī ̣Tālib (c. 600–661), the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, was the fourth and last of the ‘rightly guided’ khalifs (ruled 656–61) and the first imam of the Shiite Muslims. His assassination led to the appearance of the Shiite sect.