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Updated June 9, 2019

Family name origins & meanings

  • Southern English : habitational name from any of at least nine different places called Allington, two in Kent, three in Wiltshire, and one each in Dorset, Devon, Hampshire, and Lincolnshire. These have different origins: those in Devon, Wiltshire near Chippenham, and Kent near Maidstone are from the Old English personal name Ælla + -ing-, implying association, + tūn ‘settlement’; those in Dorset, Wiltshire near Devizes, and Lincolnshire are named with Old English ætheling ‘atheling (prince)’ + tūn; those in Hampshire and Wiltshire near Amesbury are from the Old English personal name Ealda + tūn; and the one in Kent near Lenham is from the Old English personal name Æþelnōþ + -ing- + tūn.

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