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Updated: June 9, 2019

Boy name origins & meanings

  • German : Eagle and powerful

How Popular Is The Name Arnold

Family name origins & meanings

  • English and German : from a very widely used personal name of Germanic origin, composed of the elements arn ‘eagle’ + wald ‘rule’. In addition, it has probably absorbed various European cognates and their derivatives (for the forms, see Hanks and Hodges 1988).
  • English : habitational name from either of the two places called Arnold (see Arnall).
  • Jewish (Ashkenazic) : adoption of the German personal name, at least in part on account of its resemblance to the Jewish name Aaron.
  • Arnold is a widespread and important family name in North America. In particular, it is borne by a prominent RI family, descended from a certain Thomas Arnold, who emigrated to New England before 1635.

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