Girl name origins & meanings Hebrew : God's oath; dedicatedHebrew : Consecrated to God Girl name variations Bette Betty Elizabeth Bestey Belita Besse Bessie Bessy Betta Betti Bettine Ealasidde Elizabet Elsabet Elisabeth Elisabetta Elise Elissa Eilise Elisa Eliza Elsa Elsbeth Babette Belle Beth Bettina Bet Beta Lisbeth Liz Lizzie Liza Ellie Else Bettie Betsy Aliza Libby Elspeth Elsbet Elspet Isabel Isabelle Isabella How Popular Is The Name Bess Family name origins & meanings English : unexplained. Apparently a metronymic from the female personal name Bess, pet form of Elizabeth.German : short form of Betz.In some cases it is probably an altered spelling of French Besse.