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Updated: June 9, 2019
Updated: June 9, 2019

Family name origins & meanings

  • Hungarian : from boros ‘tipsy’, ‘drunk’ (a derivative of bor ‘wine’), hence a nickname for a heavy drinker or in some rare cases a metonymic occupational name for a wine merchant or a wine producer.
  • Hungarian : probably a spelling variant of Baros, from a pet form of the personal name Barnabás, Hungarian form of Barnaby.
  • Czech and Slovak (Boroš) : nickname from Hungarian boros ‘drunk’ (see 1 above); or alternatively from a Slavic personal name such as Dalibor, or Bořivoj.
  • Polish (also Boroś, Borosz) : from a Slavic personal name such as Borzysław or Bolebor.

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