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Updated: June 9, 2019

Boy name origins & meanings

  • English : Coal town

How Popular Is The Name Colston

Family name origins & meanings

  • English : from a Middle English personal name, Colstan, which is probably from Old Norse Kolsteinn, composed of the elements kol ‘charcoal’ + steinn ‘stone’.
  • English : habitational name from Colston Basset in Nottinghamshire, or the nearby Car Colston, both of which seem to have originally been named from the Old Norse personal name Kolr + Old English tūn ‘settlement’. The first syllable of Car Colson was originally the defining prefix kirk ‘church’.
  • English : habitational name from Coulston in Wiltshire, which is named with the genitive case of an Old English personal name Cufel (diminutive of Cufa) + Old English tūn ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’.

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