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Updated June 9, 2019

Boy name origins & meanings

  • English : One who tends the groves

Boy name variations

Family name origins & meanings

  • English : topographic name for someone who lived by a grove or thicket, Middle English grove, Old English grāf.
  • English (Huguenot) : Americanized spelling of the French surname Le Grou(x) or Le Greux (see Groulx).
  • North German form of Grob.
  • North German : habitational name from any of several places named Grove or Groven in Schleswig-Holstein, which derive their name from Middle Low Germany grōve ‘ditch’, ‘channel’. In some cases the name is a Dutch or Low German form of Grube.
  • Altered form of German Graf.
  • The surnames Grove and Groves are common mainly in the West Midlands. A Huguenot family who acquired the name Grove are descended from a certain Isaac Le Greux or Grou(x) or his brother. They fled from Tours in France in the late 17th century and settled in Spitalfields, London. Their children were known as Grou(x) or Grove; their grandchildren also used the form Grew; but their great-grandchildren, born at the end of the 18th century, were universally Grove.

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