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Updated: August 15, 2024
Updated: August 15, 2024

Boy name origins & meanings

  • Hebrew : God will hear

How Popular Is The Name Ismail

Family name origins & meanings

  • Muslim : from an Arabic personal name, ’Ismā‛īl, name of a Prophet (Biblical Ishmael), son of Ibrahim (Abraham). Ibrahim left his second wife Hajar (Hagar) and their small son Ismail in the wilderness outside Mecca with only a short supply of food and water. Allah took pity on them and caused the well of Zamzam to spurt up in that desolate place, which saved their lives. Later, Ibrahim sought out his son Ismail, and together they built the Ka‘ba in Mecca, towards which all Muslims turn when praying. Arabs believe that Ismail was the founder of the Arab peoples, and for this reason Arabs are sometimes referred to as Ishmaelites.

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