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The name Kylie is of Aboriginal origin and means "boomerang"

Updated: August 7, 2024
Meaning and Origin of Kylie
Updated: August 7, 2024

Girl name origins & meanings

  • Aborigine : Boomerang

What does Kylie mean and stand for?

The name Kylie is of Aboriginal origin and means "boomerang". It first emerged in Australia and is thought to be the feminine form of Kyle.

Syllables: 2

Girl name variations

Boy name origins & meanings

  • Irish : The narrows; a place where cattle graze; a wood; a church
  • Scottish : From a narrow strait; the name of a Scottish region

Boy name variations

How Popular Is The Name Kylie


According to Social Security Administration data, Kylie has been steadily decreasing in popularity after falling out of the top 100 in 2017. Despite the downfall, Kylie still remains in the top 150.

However, it is the 16th most popular name on

According to Google search data analysis, in the last five years Kylie was at its peak popularity in February 2018.

Kylie, while not as popular as it once was, is maintaining some notoriety due to Kylie Jenner, younger sister of Kim Kardashian and one of the biggest influencers in modern time. Other notable namesakes include singer Kylie Ann Minogue, actress Kylie Rae Tyndall, actress Kylie Bunbury, model Kylie Bax, and celebrity chef Kylie Kwong. Kylie has also been a popular choice for celebrity daughters, having been chosen by singer Joe Diffie, actors Derk Cheetwood and Cari Costner, guitarist Joey Allen, and NFL player Andre Johnson.

Where is it Popular?

Kylie was searched for most often in the following states:

  • Kiwi
  • Ky
  • KyKy

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