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Updated July 4, 2024

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Girl name origins & meanings

  • English : Stormy weather; tempest

Girl name variations

Boy name origins & meanings

  • English : Storm, tempest

Boy name variations

How Popular Is The Name Storm

Family name origins & meanings

  • English, North German, Dutch, and Scandinavian : nickname for a man of blustery temperament, from Middle English, Middle Low German, storm, Old Norse stormr ‘storm’.
  • Dutch : name given to a child born at sea during a storm.
  • The Dutch name first appeared when the son of Albert Andriessen Bradt was born at sea in 1636 during a storm on the family’s voyage to New Netherland; he was christened Storm van der Zee (“Storm from the sea”). Both Storm and <xref>Vanderzee</xref> are found as American family names.

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