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75 Baby Names That Mean "Light" to Illuminate Your World

Discover diverse girl, boy, and gender-neutral baby names meaning "light," that signify hope, brilliance, and illumination across various cultures.
Baby in the light
Updated: June 26, 2024
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Choosing a baby name is one of the most exciting yet daunting tasks for new and expecting parents. A name carries meaning, history, and significance that your child will carry with them throughout their life. For those looking for names that symbolize light, we've compiled an extensive list of baby names that mean "light" from various cultures and origins.

Baby Girl Names That Mean "Light"

Baby in the light

These names not only carry the literal meaning of light but also embody qualities such as brilliance, warmth, and inspiration, so browse this list to find the perfect girl's name!

  1. Alina - From Greek, "light."
  2. Aurora - From Latin, "dawn."
  3. Chiara - From Italian, "clear, bright."
  4. Eleanor - From Greek, "light."
  5. Elena - From Spanish, "bright, shining light."
  6. Helena - From Greek, "light, torch."
  7. Iliana - From Greek, "ray of light."
  8. Kira - From Persian, "sun."
  9. Lucia - From Latin, "light."
  10. Luciana - From Latin, "light."
  11. Lucy - From English, "light."
  12. Meira - From Hebrew, "light."
  13. Nera - From Hebrew, "candle."
  14. Nora - From Greek, "light."
  15. Orli - From Hebrew, "light."
  16. Phoebe - From Greek, "shining, bright."
  17. Roxana - From Persian, "dawn."
  18. Sorcha - From Irish, "radiant, light."
  19. Thea - From Greek, "goddess of light."
  20. Zia - From Arabic, "light, splendor."
  21. Eliora - From Hebrew, "my God is my light."
  22. Faina - From Russian, "shining one."
  23. Jovanna - From Latin, "God is gracious, light."
  24. Leora - From Greek, "compassion, light."
  25. Liora - From Hebrew, "light."
  26. Navi - From Indian, "kind to people, light."
  27. Oriane - From French, "golden, light."
  28. Svetlana - From Slavic, "light, holy."
  29. Yelena - From Russian, "light, torch."
  30. Zohara - From Hebrew, "light, splendor."

Baby Boy Names That Mean "Light"

Baby in the light

Choosing a baby boy name that means "light" can be a meaningful and symbolic way to bestow positive attributes upon your child.

  1. Abner - From Hebrew, "father of light."
  2. Ambert - From Old German, "bright."
  3. Anwar - From Arabic, "luminous."
  4. Apollo - From Greek, "destroyer, god of light."
  5. Beacon - From Old English, "signal light."
  6. Brigham - From Old English, "bright homestead."
  7. Cyrus - From Persian, "sun."
  8. Dag - From Scandinavian, "daylight."
  9. Elior - From Hebrew, "my God is my light."
  10. Fynn - From Gaelic, "bright, fair."
  11. Gilbert - From German, "bright pledge."
  12. Harbin - From German, "little bright warrior."
  13. Hilario - From Latin, "happy, cheerful."
  14. Jomei - From Japanese, "spread light."
  15. Kiran - From Sanskrit, "ray of light."
  16. Lambert - From German, "land bright."
  17. Leor - From Hebrew, "I have light."
  18. Lucien - From French, "light."
  19. Lucius - From Latin, "light."
  20. Lux - From Latin, "light."
  21. Neriah - From Hebrew, "lamp of God."
  22. Oran - From Irish, "light, pale."
  23. Raiden - From Japanese, "thunder and lightning."
  24. Ray - From Spanish, "counselor, protector."
  25. Rishi - From Sanskrit, "sage, ray of light."
  26. Sanjay - From Indian, "triumphant, light."
  27. Uriah - From Hebrew, "God is my light."
  28. Xavier - From Arabic, "bright, splendid."
  29. Zain - From Arabic, "grace, light."
  30. Zohar - From Hebrew, "light, brilliance."

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Mean "Light"

Baby in the light

These gender-neutral names reflect qualities such as brilliance, enlightenment, and warmth, making them an inspiring choice for your little one.

  1. Amal - From Arabic, "hope, light."
  2. Arun - From Sanskrit, "sun."
  3. Blaze - From Latin, "fire, flame."
  4. Brighton - From English, "bright town."
  5. Day - From American, "light and hope."
  6. Echo - From Greek, "resonance, light."
  7. Finian - From Irish, "fair, light-colored."
  8. Halo - From Greek, "divine aura."
  9. Haru - From Japanese, "light, sun."
  10. Kai - From Hawaiian, "sea, light."
  11. Lior - From Hebrew, "my light."
  12. Lux - From Latin, "light."
  13. Nova - From Latin, "new, star."
  14. Reese - From Welsh, "enthusiasm, light."
  15. Sky - From English, "expanse of light."

The Radiant Appeal of Names Meaning "Light"

Why choose a name that means light? Light symbolizes knowledge, purity, and hope—qualities any parent would wish upon their child. Naming your baby something that means light can be a way to instill positive qualities and blessings from the very start. Whether you're looking for a girl, boy, or non-binary name, we hope that this list provided unique and beautiful options for you to consider.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Name

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision, and finding one that means "light" can add a special meaning to your child's identity. Here are some tips for choosing the perfect light-inspired name.

  1. Consider the origin of the name: Many cultures have names that mean "light," so think about which origins hold significance for you and your family.
  2. Look beyond literal meanings: Some names may not directly translate to "light" but still have connotations of brightness, hope, or positivity.
  3. Consider the sound and flow: Make sure the name you choose sounds good with your last name and is easy to pronounce.
  4. Think about your personal connection: Some names may hold personal significance for you or your partner, such as a family name or a special memory associated with it.
  5. Anticipate future implications: Consider how the name may be perceived as your child grows up and enters different stages of their life.

Overall, the most important thing is to choose a name that feels right for you and your child. Whether it means "light," has a related meaning, or simply holds sentimental value, the perfect name will be one that brings joy and light into your life.

For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:

Tara Gunn

About Tara

Hailing from Canada, Tara is a graduate of Scotland's University of St. Andrews in creative… Read more

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