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Updated January 31, 2024

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​​How much do you know about your last name? Once it's time to give your baby a first name, you may become more interested in the origin of your family name. A baby name should pair well with the surname that follows it.

History of Last Names

Last names, or family names, have a long cultural heritage behind them. Using assigned names to identify a person's tribe, community, or genetic lineage goes back to ancient times. 

According to historical sources, surnames were first used in China in 2852 B.C. to simplify collecting census information. 

Today, surnames still symbolize important family connections, genealogy, and bonds within a group of people. The old marriage practice of women changing their maiden names to take on their husbands' last names is still very common. 

Perhaps you'd like to find a given name from your own family history, or maybe you just want to make sure the names flow and sound good together. And while you're at it, remember to think about what initials your little one will have too.

Names and Suffixes

Sometimes you’ll see a surname followed by a suffix, such as Jr. or Sr. The suffix Jr. stands for Junior, and it signifies that you are a boy or man named with your father’s full name. 

The suffix Sr. stands for Senior, and it signifies that you have named a son after yourself. Generally, it is the firstborn son who receives this honorific. For example, a father and son pair might be John William Smith Sr. and John William Smith Jr.

If subsequent generations are named after the patriarch, they are given the suffixes III (the third), IV (the fourth), and so on. John William Smith’s firstborn son could be named John William Smith III. 

Why Do We Have Last Names?

People didn't always have last names. For thousands of years, people were referred to by their given names only.

Last names originated as populations grew, and we needed to identify people more specifically. Last name meanings provide information about a person's home, family members, and role in society.

  1. Last Names Indicate Birthplace or Origin: Sometimes people were specified by listing the town they lived in after their name, such as "William of Elmwood." These place names developed into last names over generations, becoming “William Elmwood.” 
  2. Last Names Show Family Connections and Lineage: However, as populations grew, there might have been five or ten different Williams in a single town, but only one who was "John's son", so he'd be called, "William, John's son". Thereby, the last name Johnson was born. These names are known as patronymics, which means "named for the father".
  3. Last Names Represent Someone’s Role in Society: We also see a lot of occupational names like Miller, Smith, and Taylor. Many of these last names have roots in Old English because of the time and place where family names developed.

Recently, many new parents have even been choosing traditional last names as first names for their baby girls and baby boys.

The 7 Types of English Surnames 

family tree and genealogy

European surnames derive mainly from seven different factors. Most surnames and family names with English roots tend to fall into at least one of these seven name categories: 

  • Patronymic or Matronymic Names: Many surnames are simply versions of your father's or mother's name. Some examples of patronymic last names include Benson, Robertson, and Wilson.
  • Place Names: Especially in the UK, common last names were taken from the names of towns and places. Some popular name examples include Hampshire, Beckham, and Sutton
  • Occupational Names: Occupational names were used to identify people who did specific jobs. A common last name like Smith originally comes from the blacksmith profession. So, if your family name is something like Cook, Baker, or Brewster, it could indicate what your ancestors used to do for work! 
  • Characteristic Names: Some surnames are based on a person's appearance or characteristics. These nicknames indicated a physical quality or aspect of someone's personality. Some examples of characteristic surnames include Short, Long, Green, and Swift
  • Geographic Surnames: Similar to place names, many last names came from the surrounding geographic features where early families lived. Some geographic names are Brooks, Ridge, Wood, and Moore
  • Estate Surnames: Aristocratic families often got their last names from the names of castles or large estates. Famously, England's royal family adopted their surname from the Windsor estate. 
  • Patronage Surnames: Names that signify patronage honor a specific patron or important figure that provides support to a person. An example of a patronage surname could be Kilpatrick, which in Irish means a follower of Patrick

    Most Popular Last Names A to Z 

    Throughout the Western region, we see plenty of Hispanic family names, reflecting the diverse makeup of the United States. The most common surnames in Spanish include Garcia, Rodriguez, and Hernandez

    Torres and Gonzales are two other frequent surnames used among Hispanic and Portuguese populations, and Nguyen is a Vietnamese family name seen quite often around the world.

    Scottish and Welsh names also show up throughout the United States because of our country's early immigration history. If your family tree goes back to some of the earliest days of European immigration to the U.S., you’re likely to have one of the surnames found in this list of last names. 

    10 Most Common Last Names in the United States

    Smith is the most common last name in the United States, according to the Census Bureau

    As of the latest data from 2023, the most common surnames in the U.S. are:

    1. Smith - An English last name meaning “a blacksmith.”
    2. Johnson - A surname of English and Scottish origins meaning “son of John.” 
    3. Williams - An English and Welsh surname meaning “son of William.” 
    4. Brown - A surname of English, Scottish, and Irish origins meaning “brown hair or dark skin.” 
    5. Jones - An English and Welsh surname meaning “God’s grace.” 
    6. Garcia - A Spanish or Basque patronymic surname that derives from an ancient and now-forgotten first name. 
    7. Miller - An English and Scottish occupational surname meaning “miller.” 
    8. Davis - An English and Welsh surname meaning “beloved.” 
    9. Rodriguez - A Spanish surname meaning “Rodrigo’s family.” 
    10. Martinez - A Spanish surname meaning “Martin’s family.” 

    Uncommon Last Names and Meanings 

    ancestors family records and history

    Some unique last names are more modern or rare. For many people having a more uncommon last name may be exciting or frustrating if it’s often difficult to pronounce for others. 

    Do you see your name on this list of unique last names?

    1. Affinito - Italian, meaning: perfected, completed, done.
    2. Borseth - Norse, meaning: stronghold.
    3. Lista - Galician, meaning: from Lista.
    4. Maruska - Czech, meaning: Maria.
    5. Weldon - Old English, meaning from the springs.

    Cool Last Names and Meanings 

    We know you don’t generally pick your last name, but we have to admit, these names are just kind of awesome. Whether they reference someone famous and fabulous or their meaning is just plain cool, these are definitely some of our chosen stage-last-names.

    1. Armstrong - Old English, meaning: strong-armed warrior.
    2. Bardot - French, meaning: from Bardot.
    3. Boone - Latin, meaning: good.
    4. Hendrix - Old English: Lord’s Manor.
    5. Monroe - Irish, the mouth of the Roe River.
    6. Thatcher - Old English, roof-fixer.

    Search for the Origin of Your Last Name

    If reading this article has left you itching to know where your last name comes from and what its meaning is, try searching our database of surnames

    Unlike first names, which are often unique, last names tell a story. Are you a Garcia, a Nguyen, or a Zielinski

    Or perhaps your family name is far less common. You can learn a lot about your family history by tracing the meaning of your last name as well as other surnames in your lineage. You might learn about the occupations your ancestors held or what towns they hailed from! 

    Last names change through generations when children are given a surname by one of their parents. 

    Use our Last Name Search Tool to look up your mother’s maiden name or a last name that your cousin ended up with. Surnames are a fun gateway to doing genealogy research or learning about your family tree! 

    Don’t believe we’ll have your surname on the list? We challenge you to give it a search! We have put together a list that includes even the most unique surnames, from Aaberg to Zappa.

    • 1. Liam

      The meaning of the name Liam is "helmet of will" or "guardian." Liam is a boy's name that comes from the Irish name Ulliam.

    • 3. Oliver

      Oliver is originally derived from the Latin word olivarius meaning "olive tree planter." It also has Old French and Medieval origins.

    • 4. James

      James is a modern descendant of Iacobus, the Latin form of the Hebrew name Jacob.

    • 5. Elijah

      Elijah derives from an English transliteration found in the King James Bible (Old Testament) of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning "Jehovah is God."

    • 6. William

      William is one of the most popular boys names of all time and is of Germanic origin. The name was first introduced to England by William the Conqueror.

    • 7. Henry

      Henry is a Germanic personal name composed of the elements haim, heim "home" + rīc "power", "ruler", introduced to England by the Normans as Henri.

    • 8. Lucas

      Lucas is a Latin name that comes from the personal name Lucas (from the original Greek name, Loukas) meaning "man from Lucania."

    • 9. Benjamin

      The boy's name Benjamin comes from the Hebrew name Binyamin, translated in this context as "son of the south", or "son of the right hand."

    • 10. Theodore

      Theodore is of Greek origin and means "gift of God."

    • 11. Mateo

      Mateo, the Latinate version of Matthew, derives from the Hebrew name Mattiyahu. It is of Latin, Spanish, and Hebrew origin and means "gift of God."

    • 12. Levi

      The boy name Levi is of Hebrew origin and means "join" or "unite."

    • 13. Sebastian

      Sebastian was originally an ethnic name meaning "man from Sebastia", a city in Pontus named from Greek sebastos "revered."

    • 14. Daniel

      Daniel is from the Hebrew personal name Daniel "God is my judge", borne by a major prophet in the Bible.

    • 15. Jack

      The baby boy name Jack is of English origin and means "God is gracious."

    • 16. Michael

      Michael is a popular boy name, with roots from the Hebrew Micha-el, meaning "who is like God?"

    • 17. Alexander

      Alexander comes from the classical Greek Alexandros, meaning "repulser of men (i.e. of the enemy)", from alexein "to repel" + andros, genitive of anēr "man."

    • 18. Owen

      Owen is of Welsh origin and means "young warrior" or "well-born." It is derived from the name Owain, a traditional Welsh name stemming from Eugene.

    • 19. Asher

      Asher is a topographic name denoting someone dwelling by an ash tree, coming from the Middle English asche, meaning "ash tree", + the habitational suffix -er.

    • 20. Samuel

      Samuel has Hebrew origins from the Biblical male personal name in Hebrew, Shemuel, meaning "name of God", and is still very popular in boy names today.

    • 21. Ethan

      Originally derived from a Hebrew name, Ethan, meaning "firm, strong, enduring, and long-lived", has profound roots in ancient texts.

    • 22. Leo

      Leo is of Greek origin and means "lion." It is also of German, Italian, African American, and Spanish origin, with meanings close to the same.

    • 23. Jackson

      Jackson is patronymic from Jack. As an American surname this has absorbed other patronymics beginning with J- in various European languages.

    • 24. Mason

      Mason is an English name meaning "stone worker" or "bricklayer," originally used as an occupational surname for those in the masonry trade.

    • 25. Ezra

      The name Ezra is of Hebrew origin and means "help."

    • 26. John

      The name John is of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is gracious." John is also an English derivative of the Hebrew name Yochanan, via the Latin name Iohannes.

    • 27. Hudson

      Hudson is of English origin and means "Hugh's son" or "son of Hud."

    • 28. Luca

      Luca is of Latin origin and means "bringer of light." It is the Italian variation of Luke or Lucas, meaning "man from Lucania."

    • 29. Aiden

      The boy name Aiden comes from Gaelic and Irish roots, meaning "warm" or "little fire."

    • 30. Joseph

      Joseph is derived from the Latin form of the Greek name Ioseph. it is subsequently from the Hebrew name Yosef, meaning "He will add", from the root Yasaf.

    • 31. David

      The name David is derived from the Hebrew first name David meaning "beloved", which has been popular among Jews, in honor of the Biblical king of this name.

    • 32. Jacob

      The name Jacob is a derived from the Latin name Jacobus, from the Hebrew personal name ya"aqobh (Yaakov). It means "supplanter."

    • 33. Logan

      The name Logan is a Scottish and Gaelic name that means "little hollow." Logan is a common boy name in the United States and has become popular for girls.

    • 34. Luke

      The boy's name Luke comes from the original Greek name Loukas, meaning "man from Lucania." It also has Biblical connections and means "light-giving."

    • 35. Julian

      The baby name Julian is of Greek and Latin origin, and means "youthful, downy-bearded", or "sky father."

    • 36. Gabriel

      The boy's name Gabriel is of Hebrew origin and means "God is my strength."

    • 37. Grayson

      Grayson is of English origin and means both "to shine" and "son of the bailiff."

    • 38. Wyatt

      Wyatt is an Old English name meaning "brave in world."

    • 39. Matthew

      Matthew is from the Middle English Ma(t)thew, a vernacular form of the Greek New Testament name Matthias & from the Hebrew name Matityahu: "gift of God."

    • 40. Maverick

      Maverick is of American origin and means "independent, nonconformist." It originates from the surname of Samuel Maverick, a 19th-century Texas rancher known for not branding his cattle, symbolizing a person who goes against the norm.

    • 41. Dylan

      Dylan is a name of Welsh origin meaning "son of the sea." It was derived from the Welsh component dy and llanw, which means "sea."

    • 42. Isaac

      The boy's name Isaac is of Hebrew origin meaning "laughter", relating to the Biblical story of Sarah and Abraham who conceived their son Isaac in their old age.

    • 43. Elias

      Elias was originally a medieval personal name, based on the New Testament Greek form of Hebrew Eliyahu, meaning "Jehovah is God."

    • 44. Anthony

      The boy name Anthony is of Latin origin and means "priceless one." Anthony is derived from the Roman family name, or gens, Antonius, Antonii.

    • 45. Thomas

      The name Thomas is of Greek and Aramaic origin and means "twin." It derives from the Aramaic word "t'oma" and the name Ta'oma'.

    • 46. Jayden

      Jayden is non-traditional, but is thought to derive from Jadon from the Old Testament. Jayden means "thankful."

    • 47. Carter

      Carter is related to the Gaelic word cairt meaning cart, and ultimately from the Latin carettarius.

    • 48. Santiago

      Santiago is of Hebrew and Spanish origin and means "supplanter." It is also of Latin origin and translates to Saint James.

    • 49. Ezekiel

      Ezekiel is of Hebrew origin and means "God strengthens." It is a Biblical name known for its strong, traditional roots, derived from the Hebrew name Yechezqel.

    • 50. Charles

      Charles is of Germanic origin and means "free man." It is the English and French form of Karl, often associated with royalty and historical figures.

    • 51. Josiah

      Josiah is of Hebrew origin and means "God supports" or "Jehovah heals." It is a Biblical name, notably borne by a reforming king of Judah in the Old Testament, and derives from the Hebrew name Yoshiyahu.

    • 52. Caleb

      The boy name Caleb is of Hebrew origin and means "devotion to God", among other translations.

    • 53. Cooper

      Cooper is of Old English origin and means "barrel maker." It was originally used a surname for the occupation.

    • 54. Lincoln

      Lincoln is a habitational name from the city of Lincoln, so named from an original British name Lindo- "lake" + Latin colonia "settlement", "colony."

    • 55. Miles

      Miles is of German and Irish origin and means "soldier or servant." It is also of English origin and means "merciful."

    • 56. Christopher

      The name Christopher is of Greek origin and means "bearer of Christ," being derived from the Greek name Christophoros.

    • 57. Nathan

      Nathan is of Hebrew origin and means "gift of God." It is derived from the name Natan.

    • 58. Isaiah

      The boy's name Isaiah is of Hebrew origin and means "salvation of the Lord." It derives from the Hebrew word Yesha'yahu.

    • 59. Kai

      The name Kai has many origins, but it is most often thought of as having Japanese and Hawaiian origins and meaning "sea."

    • 60. Joshua

      The name Joshua is of Hebrew origin and means "the Lord is my salvation." Sharing the same origins as the name Jesus, Joshua derives from the Hebrew name Yehoshua, from the roots "Yeho", referring to God, and "Yasha," meaning “to save.”

    • 61. Andrew

      The boy's name Andrew is of Greek origin and means "strong, or manly." Andrew is also a variant of the Greek name Andreas.

    • 62. Angel

      Angel is of Spanish and English origin and means "angel." A popular unisex name, Angel derives from the medieval Latin masculine name Angelus.

    • 63. Adrian

      The boy's name Adrian is of Latin origin and means "son of Adria" and "dark one." It is also of Greek origin and means "rich."

    • 64. Cameron

      Cameron is of English and Scottish origin and means "bent nose" or "bent stream." It is believed that this meaning originated from a nickname given to an early member of the clan.

    • 65. Nolan

      Nolan is of Irish origin and means "champion." Nolan was traditionally used as an Irish surname before gaining popularity as a given name.

    • 66. Waylon

      Waylon is of Old English origin and means "land beside the road." It is a variant of the name Wayland.

    • 67. Jaxon

      Jaxon , a new spelling of Jackson, is of English origin and means "God is gracious."

    • 68. Roman

      Roman has various origins, but the most commonly referred to one is the Hebrew origin which means "strong, powerful." Roman is also used to refer to people who descended from Rome.

    • 69. Eli

      The name Eli is of Hebrew origin and means "ascended, uplifted, high." The name derives from the Hebrew word ’aly, meaning “high.”

    • 70. Wesley

      Wesley is of Old English origin and means "west meadow." It was originally used a surname before gaining popularity as a given name.

    • 71. Aaron

      Aaron's origin is debated. Some believe it is of Hebrew origin meaning "high mountain" or "exalted, enlightened", while others state it is of Arabic origin and means "messenger."

    • 72. Ian

      Ian is of Scottish origin and means "God is gracious." It is the Scottish variation of John, often used in English-speaking countries.

    • 73. Christian

      Christian is of Latin origin and means "follower of Christ." It derives from the medieval Latin name Christianus meaning "a Christian." It is a name widely used in Christian-majority countries, symbolizing devotion and faith.

    • 74. Ryan

      Ryan The name Ryan is of Irish origin and means "little king." Ryan originated from the Irish surname O'Riain, meaning “son of Rían.”

    • 75. Leonardo

      Leonardo is of German origin and means "lion-hearted." It is a Spanish and Italian variation of the name Leonard.

    • 76. Brooks

      Brooks is from the possessive case of Brook (i.e. "of the brook").

    • 77. Axel

      Axel is of Old German origin and means "father of peace." It is the Medieval Danish form of Absalom.

    • 78. Walker

      The name Walker is a name of English origin, meaning "fuller of cloth." It was an occupational last name for a fuller, somebody who cleanses cloth.

    • 79. Jonathan

      Jonathan is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gift" or "gift of Jehovah." It is derived from the Hebrew name Yehonatan.

    • 80. Easton

      Easton is of English origin and means "east-facing place." Originally a surname.

    • 81. Everett

      Everett is of Old English origin & means "brave as a wild boar." It is derived from the Germanic name Eberhard, combining eber ("boar") & hard ("brave, hardy").

    • 82. Weston

      Weston is of Old English origin and means "from the western town." It is derived from an English surname, which combines west with tun, meaning "enclosure, yard, town."

    • 83. Bennett

      Bennett is of Latin origin and is the Anglicized version of Benedict and means "blessed."

    • 84. Robert

      The name Robert is of Old English origin and means "bright fame." It derives from the German name Hrodebert.

    • 85. Jameson

      Jameson is of Hebrew origin and means "supplementer" and is of English origin and means "son of James."

    • 86. Landon

      Landon is of Old English origin and means "long hill."

    • 87. Silas

      Silas, a name of Latin origin meaning "wood" or "forest," holds a rich historical and Biblical significance.

    • 88. José

      José is of Spanish & Portuguese origin & means "God will increase." It is the Spanish & Portuguese variation of Joseph, derived from the Hebrew name Yosef.

    • 89. Beau

      Beau is of French origin and means "handsome." Beau has been used as a given name since the middle of the 20th century.

    • 90. Micah

      Micah, of Hebrew origin, means "who is like God." It's a Biblical name of one of the 12 minor prophets in the Old Testament and is a boy, girl, or unisex name.

    • 91. Colton

      Colton is of English origin and means "from the coal or dark town."

    • 92. Jordan

      The name Jordan is of Hebrew origin and means "flowing down." It is derived from the Hebrew words yarden and yarad, meaning "to go down."

    • 93. Jeremiah

      Jeremiah is of Hebrew origin and means "God will uplift" or "appointed by God." It is a Biblical name, stemming from the prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament, known for his prophecies and teachings.

    • 94. Parker

      Parker is of Old English origin and means "cultivated land." It derives from the English surname that was for people "keepers of the park."

    • 95. Greyson

      Greyson is of English origin and means "son of the steward." It is a variant of the name grayson.

    • 96. Rowan

      The name Rowan is of Old English, Scottish, and Irish origin and means "rowan tree."

    • 97. Adam

      Adam is of Hebrew origin and means "man" or "earth." It is a name deeply rooted in Biblical tradition, often associated with the first man created by God in the Book of Genesis.

    • 98. Nicholas

      Nicholas is of Greek origin and means "victory of the people." It derives from the Greek Nikolaos, a name evolved from the components nikē ("victory") and laos ("people"). It is a classic name often associated with Saint Nicholas, the inspiration for Santa Claus.

    • 99. Theo

      Theo is of Greek origin and means "divine gift." It is a short form of Theodore, which combines the Greek words theos ("god") and doron ("gift").

    • 100. Xavier

      The name Xavier comes from the Basque place name Etxeberria, which means "the new house" or "castle." It can also mean "bright" in its Arabic roots.

    • 101. Hunter

      Hunter is of English origin and means "one who hunts." It derives from the Old English word hunta.

    • 102. Dominic

      The name Dominic is of Latin origin and means "belonging to the Lord."

    • 103. Jace

      The name Jace is of Greek origin and means "healer" and is also of Hebrew origin and means "the Lord of salvation."

    • 104. Gael

      The name Gael is of Breton, Welsh origin and means "Gaelic."

    • 105. River

      An English name meaning "by the riverbank."

    • 106. Thiago

      Thiago is of Portuguese origin and means "supplanter."

    • 107. Kayden

      The name Kayden is a modern-given name and means "round or barrel". It can also be spelled as "Cayden."

    • 108. Damian

      Damian is of Greek origin and means "to tame, subdue." It is from the Greek name Damianos.

    • 109. August

      August is of Latin origin and means "exalted." It is from German, Polish, Scandinavian and Catalan form of Augustus, and is derived from the month of August.

    • 110. Carson

      Carson The name Carson is of Scandinavian origin and means "Son of marsh-dwellers."

    • 111. Austin

      Austin is of English origin and means "great" or "magnificent." It is a medieval contracted form of Augustine, which itself derives from the Latin name Augustus, meaning "majestic" or "venerable.

    • 112. Myles

      Myles is of various origins, though the most common is the English origin, meaning "soldier or merciful."

    • 113. Amir

      Amir is of Arabic origin and means "prince, ruler, treetop."

    • 114. Declan

      The name Declan is of Irish Gaelic origin and means "full of goodness" or "man of prayer."

    • 115. Emmett

      The name Emmett is of Hebrew, German, and English origin and means "universal". Emmett is also thought to be of English origin, meaning "hard worker" or "truth." It is the male variation of the name Emma.

    • 116. Ryder

      The name Ryder is of Old English origin and means "horsemen" or "cavalrymen, messenger."

    • 117. Luka

      The name Luka is of English and Latin origin and means "bringer of light." It is a variant of the name Luca.

    • 118. Connor

      Connor is of Irish origin and means "lover of hounds" and "desire."

    • 119. Jaxson

      The name Jaxson is of English origin and means "son of Jack."

    • 120. Milo

      The boy's name Milo is of Latin and German origin and means "soft-hearted, merciful." It derives from the Latin word for soldier, miles.

    • 121. Enzo

      Enzo is of Italian origin and means "winner" or "ruler of the household." It is often a short form of names like Lorenzo or Vincenzo.

    • 122. Giovanni

      Giovanni is of Italian origin and means "gift from God."

    • 123. Vincent

      Vincent is of Latin origin and means "conquering."

    • 124. Diego

      The name Diego is of Spanish origin and means "supplanter." It is believed to be derived from the name Santiago, and in medieval times, Diego was Latinized as Didacus.

    • 125. Luis

      Luis is of German origin and means "famed warrior."

    • 126. Archer

      Archer is of English origin and means "bowman." It was originally an Anglo-Saxon occupational surname. It is of Old French origin.

    • 127. Harrison

      Harrison is of German origin and means "house ruler." It's also of English origin and means "Army Ruler."

    • 128. Kingston

      Kingston is of Old English origin meaning "Ruler."

    • 129. Atlas

      Atlas is of Greek origin, meaning "enduring" and "strong." Fittingly, it is the name of a mythical Titan who supported the Earth on his back in Greek mythology.

    • 130. Jasper

      Jasper is of Persian origin and means "treasurer." It is derived from the Latin name Gaspar, which ultimately comes from the Hebrew name Gizbar, meaning "bringer of treasure."

    • 131. Sawyer

      Sawyer is of English origin and means "woodcutter."

    • 132. Legend

      Legend is from the English word referring to a "story about the past."

    • 133. Lorenzo

      Lorenzo is of Latin origin and means "laurel crown."

    • 134. Evan

      The name Evan is of Welsh origin and means "the Lord is gracious". It derives from the Iefan, a Welsh version of John, which derives from the Hebrew name Yochanan. It is also a variation of Johnathan, often interpreted as "young warrior."

    • 135. Jonah

      Jonah is of Hebrew origin and means "dove."

    • 136. Chase

      The name Chase is of French origin and means "to hunt." It is derived from a surname the Old English used as a nickname for huntsmen.

    • 137. Bryson

      Bryson is of English origin and means "son of Brice" or "son of a nobleman."

    • 138. Adriel

      Adriel is of Hebrew origin and means "God is my master."

    • 139. Nathaniel

      The boy's name Nathaniel is of Hebrew origin and means "gift of God."

    • 140. Arthur

      Arthur is of Celtic origin and means "bear." It is thought to originate from the Celtic elements artos, meaning "bear" combined with viros, meaning "man" or rigos, meaning "king."

    • 141. Juan

      The name Juan is of Hebrew origin and means "gift from God." It is the Spanish version of John and has been in use since the Middle Ages.

    • 142. George

      George is of Greek origin and means "farmer."

    • 143. Cole

      Cole is of Greek origin and means "victorious people."

    • 144. Zion

      Zion is of Hebrew origin and means "highest point." It is often associated with a place of peace and the Biblical term for the Promised Land, often referring to Jerusalem.

    • 145. Jason

      The name Jason is of Greek origin and means "healer." It was made famous originally by the ancient Greek mythological story of Jason and the Argonauts.

    • 146. Ashton

      Ashton is of Old English origin and means "ash tree." It is derived from a surname meaning the same thing.

    • 147. Carlos

      Carlos is of German and Spanish origin and means "free man."

    • 148. Calvin

      Calvin is of Latin origin and means "bald." It is derived from the French surname Cauvin, which was derived from chauve meaning "bald."

    • 149. Brayden

      Brayden is of Irish origin and means both "brave" and "salmon."

    • 150. Elliot

      Elliot is of Hebrew origin and means "high".

    • 151. Rhett

      Rhett is of various origins, but namely Dutch and English origin and means "advice."

    • 152. Emiliano

      Emiliano is of Latin origin and means "eager" and Spanish origin and means "work."

    • 153. Ace

      The name Ace is of Latin origin and means "one, unity." Ace was once more common as a nickname but has now gained popularity as a given name.

    • 154. Jayce

      Jayce is a biblical name that means "the Lord is salvation."

    • 155. Graham

      Graham is of many origins, but is most often stated to be of Scottish origin and means "gravelly homestead."

    • 156. Max

      Max is of Latin origin and means "the greatest."

    • 157. Braxton

      Braxton is of Old English origin and means "badger."

    • 158. Leon

      Leon is of Greek origin and means "lion."

    • 159. Ivan

      Ivan is of Russian origin and means "God is gracious."

    • 160. Hayden

      Hayden is of Old English origin and began as a surname that means "hay field."

    • 161. Jude

      Jude is of Hebrew origin and means "praised." It is a short form of the name Judah, which holds significant Biblical roots and historical relevance.

    • 162. Malachi

      Malachi is of Hebrew origin and means "messenger of God."

    • 163. Dean

      Dean is of Old English origin and means "valley." It originally derives from the surname Dean.

    • 164. Tyler

      Tyler is an English occupational name that means "the maker of tiles" or "the tiler of roofs."

    • 165. Jesus

      Jesus is of Hebrew origin and means "God will help."

    • 166. Zachary

      Zachary is of Hebrew origin and means "God remembers."

    • 167. Kaiden

      Kaiden is of American origin and is the variation of the name Kaden. Though it's a modern invented name, Kaiden is thought to mean "exciting."

    • 168. Elliott

      Elliott is of Hebrew origin and means either "high" or "Jehovah is God."

    • 169. Arlo

      The boy name Arlo is of German origin and means "famous throughout the land."

    • 170. Emmanuel

      Emmanuel is of Hebrew origin and means "God is with us."

    • 171. Ayden

      Ayden is of English, Irish origin and means "little and fiery." It is a variation of the name Aidan.

    • 172. Bentley

      Bentley is of English origin and means "meadow with coarse grass."

    • 173. Maxwell

      Maxwell is of Scottish origin and means "great stream."

    • 174. Amari

      The name Amari is of Hebrew origin and means "eternal." It is also of Greek origin meaning "immortal" and Arabic origin meaning "moon."

    • 175. Ryker

      Ryker is of German origin and means "rich."

    • 176. Finn

      The name Finn is of Irish origin that means "fair or white." It is the older Irish form of Fionn.

    • 177. Antonio

      Antonio is of Greek origin and means "flourishing." It is the Spanish and Italian form of Antonius and has been popular in Italy since the 14th century.

    • 178. Charlie

      Charlie is a diminutive of the English name Charles, meaning "free man."

    • 179. Maddox

      Maddox is of Welsh origin and means "good fortune."

    • 180. Justin

      Justin is of Old French origin and means "justice."

    • 181. Judah

      Judah is of Hebrew origin and means "praised."

    • 182. Kevin

      Kevin is of Irish origin & means "handsome." It's the Anglicized version of the Gaelic name Caoimhín, from caomh ("kind, gentle, & handsome") & ghin ("birth").

    • 183. Dawson

      The name Dawson is of English origin and means "son of David."

    • 184. Matteo

      Matteo is of Hebrew origin and means "Gift of God."

    • 185. Miguel

      Miguel is of Hebrew origin and means "who is like God."

    • 186. Zayden

      The name Zayden is of Hebrew origin and means "lucky."

    • 187. Camden

      Camden is of Scottish origin and means "winding valley."

    • 188. Messiah

      Messiah is of Aramaic origin and means "expected savior or deliverer."

    • 189. Alan

      The name Alan is of Gaelic origin and means "handsome, cheerful." It's been used as early as the 6th century and was very popular during the Middle Ages.

    • 191. Nicolas

      Nicolas comes from the Greek name Νικόλαος (Nikolaos). Nicolas, meaning "victory of the people."

    • 192. Felix

      Felix is of Latin origin and means "happy" or "fortunate." It has historical significance and is a timeless name used across various cultures and media.

    • 193. Alejandro

      The name Alejandro is of Greek and Spanish origin, meaning "protector or defender of mankind."

    • 194. Jesse

      Jesse is a Hebrew name meaning "God exists." Jesse is most common as a boy's name.

    • 195. Beckett

      The name Beckett is a boys" name of English and Irish origin, meaning "beehive" or "little brook."

    • 196. Matias

      The name Matias is of Hebrew origin and means "gift of God."

    • 197. Tucker

      Tucker is of Middle English origin and means "tailor."

    • 198. Emilio

      The name Emilio is of Latin origin and means "eager to please."

    • 199. Xander

      Xander is of Greek origin and means "protector of mankind."

    • 200. Knox

      The name Knox is of Old English and Scottish origin and means "from the hills."

    • 201. Oscar

      The name Oscar is of Old Norse origin and means "champion warrior."

    • 202. Alex

      The name Alex is of Greek origin and means "defender of the people." It is a shortened form of Alexander or Alexandra, which stems from the Greek name Alexandros.

    • 202. Beckham

      The name Beckham is of English origin and means "homestead by the stream."

    • 203. Timothy

      The name Timothy is of Greek origin and means "honoring God."

    • 204. Abraham

      The name Abraham is of Hebrew origin and means "Father of Multitudes."

    • 205. Andres

      The name Andres is of Greek origin and means "valiant, courageous."

    • 206. Gavin

      Gavin is of Hebrew origin and means "hawk."

    • 207. Brody

      Brody is of Gaelic origin and means "ditch, mire." It was originally a surname to signify that someone was from Moray, Scotland.

    • 208. Barrett

      Barrett is of Old English origin and means "mighty as a bear."

    • 209. Hayes

      The name Hayes is of English origin and means "hedged area."

    • 210. Jett

      The name Jett is a mineral name that means "excellence."

    • 211. Brandon

      Brandon is of Old English origin and means "hill covered with broom." It derives from the surname meaning "broom hill" and has strong historical roots.

    • 212. Joel

      The name Joel is of Hebrew origin, meaning "the Lord is God."

    • 213. Victor

      The name Victor is of Latin origin and means "conqueror."

    • 214. Peter

      The name Peter is of Latin origin and means "rock" or "stone."

    • 215. Abel

      Abel is of Hebrew origin and means "breath." It is from the Hebrew name Hevel, meaning the same thing.

    • 216. Edward

      The name Edward is of Old English origin and means "rich guardian."

    • 217. Karter

      The name Karter is of English origin and means "transporter of goods by cart."

    • 218. Patrick

      The Name Patrick comes from the Latin name Patricius, meaning "nobleman."

    • 219. Richard

      Richard is a boy name of German origin, meaning "brave ruler."

    • 220. Grant

      Grant is a boys" name of Scottish origin, meaning "big" and "large."

    • 221. Avery

      Avery is a baby girl's name of English origin, meaning "ruler of elves." It has recently become more unisex, even used for baby boy names.

    • 222. King

      King is of Old English origin and means "monarch" or "ruler."

    • 223. Caden

      The name Caden is of Welsh origin and means "pure."

    • 224. Adonis

      The name Adonis originates from the name of a handsome mythological creature. The word Adonis is from the Phoenician adon, meaning "lord."

    • 225. Riley

      The name Riley is of Old English and Irish origins and means "valiant" or "couragous."

    • 226. Tristan

      The name Tristan is of Latin and Celtic origin and means "noise."

    • 227. Kyrie

      The name Kyrie is of Greek origin and means "Lord."

    • 228. Blake

      The name Blake is of Old English origin and means "fair, pale or white."

    • 229. Eric

      Eric is of Old Norse origin and means "eternal ruler." It is derived from the elements ei ("ever") and ríkr ("ruler" or "king").

    • 230. Griffin

      The name Griffin is a Greek name from the mythological beast that was half lion, half eagle.

    • 231. Malakai

      The name Malakai is the Tongan form of Malachi meaning "messenger of God."

    • 232. Rafael

      The name Rafael is of Hebrew origin and means "God has healed."

    • 233. Israel

      Israel is of Hebrew origin and means "God contended." It is a Biblical name associated with the patriarch Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel.

    • 234. Tate

      English, Native American: To be cheerful; windy; a great talker

    • 235. Lukas

      The name Lukas is the German version of Lucas, meaning "man from Lucanus."

    • 236. Nico

      The name Nico is of Italian origin and means "victory of the people."

    • 237. Marcus

      The name Marcus is of Latin origin and means "warlike."

    • 238. Stetson

      English: Cowboy hat

    • 239. Javier

      The name Javier is of Spanish origin and means "new house."

    • 240. Colt

      The name Colt is a word name that means "young horse."

    • 241. Omar

      The name Omar is of Arabic origin and means "follower of the prophet" or "long-lived."

    • 242. Simon

      The name Simon is of Hebrew origin and means "he who hears."

    • 243. Kash

      The name Kash is a newer spelling of "cash/money."

    • 244. Remington

      The name Remington is of Old English origin and means "from the raven's home."

    • 245. Jeremy

      The name Jeremy is of Hebrew origin and means "chosen by God."

    • 246. Louis

      The name Louis is of German and French origin and means "renowned warrior."

    • 247. Mark

      Mark is of Latin origin and means "consecrated to the god Mars." It is derived from the Roman name Marcus, meaning "warlike" or "dedicated to Mars," who was the Roman god of war.

    • 248. Lennox

      The name Lennox is of Scottish origin and means "among the elms."

    • 249. Callum

      The name Callum is of Irish origin and means "of Saint Columba."

    • 250. Kairo

      The name Kairo is a variation of the Egyptian city name Cairo.

    • 251. Nash

      The name Zane is of Hebrew origin and means "God is gracious."

    • 252. Kyler

      The name Kyler is of Dutch origin and means "archer."

    • 253. Dallas

      The name Dallas is of Irish origin and means "skilled."

    • 254. Crew

      The name Crew is of Latin origin and means "chariot."

    • 255. Preston

      The name Preston is of Old English origin and means "priest"s estate."

    • 256. Paxton

      The name Paxton is of English origin and means "town of peace."

    • 257. Steven

      The name Steven is of Greek origin and means "crown."

    • 258. Zane

      The name Zane is of Hebrew origin and means "God is gracious."

    • 259. Kaleb

      The name Kaleb is of Arabic origin and means "dog."

    • 260. Lane

      The name Lane is a gender-neutral name of English origin meaning "a small roadway or path."

    • 261. Phoenix

      The name Phoenix is of Greek origin, and is a reference to the mythological bird.

    • 262. Paul

      The name Paul is of Latin origin and means "small" or "little one."

    • 263. Cash

      The name Cash is of Latin origin and means "vain."

    • 264. Kenneth
    • 265. Bryce

      The name Bryce is of English origin and means "son of a nobleman."

    • 266. Ronan

      The name Ronan is of Celtic origin and means "a pledge."

    • 267. Kaden

      The name Kaden is a spelling variation of the popular name Caden meaning "round."

    • 268. Maximiliano

      The name Maximiliano is of Latin origin and means "the greatest."

    • 269. Walter

      The name Walter is of German origin and means "army ruler."

    • 270. Maximus

      The name Maximus is of Latin origin and means "the greatest."

    • 271. Emerson

      The name Emerson is of Old English origin and means "Emery"s son."

    • 272. Hendrix

      The name Hendrix is of Old English origin and means "Lord's manor."

    • 273. Jax

      The name Jax is a modern invented name that means "God is gracious."

    • 274. Atticus

      The name Atticus originates from ancient Greece and is derived from "Attikos," which means "from Attica," a region that includes Athens.

    • 275. Zayn

      The name Zayn is of Arabic origin and means "beauty."

    • 276. Tobias

      The name Tobias is of Hebrew origin and means "God is good."

    • 277. Cohen

      The name Cohen is of Hebrew and Jewish origin and means "priest."

    • 278. Aziel

      Aziel is of Hebrew origin and means "God is my strength."

    • 279. Kayson

      The name Kayson is a modern variation of Cason, an English name meaning "son of marsh-dwellers."

    • 280. Rory

      The name Rory is of German origin and means "famous one."

    • 281. Brady

      The name Brady is of Old English origin and means "broad meadow."

    • 282. Finley

      The name Finley is of Celtic and Scottish origin and means "fair-haired one."

    • 283. Holden

      The name Holden is of Old English origin and means "valley."

    • 284. Jorge

      The name Jorge is of Greek origin and means "farmer."

    • 285. Malcolm

      The name Malcolm is boy's name of Scottish origin meaning "follower of St. Colomba".

    • 286. Clayton

      The name Clayton is of Old English origin and means "born of the Earth."

    • 287. Niko

      The name Niko is of Greek origin and means "victorious"

    • 288. Francisco

      The name Francisco is the Spanish and Portuguese form of Franciscus, and means "free land."

    • 289. Josue

      The name Josue is the French, Spanish, and Portuguese spelling variation of the name Joshua. It is of Hebrew origin and means "the Lord is my salvation."

    • 290. Brian

      Brian is of Irish origin and means "high" or "noble." It is a traditional name often associated with Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland.

    • 291. Bryan

      The name Bryan is of Irish origin and means "strong."

    • 292. Cade

      Old English: Rhythmic flow of sounds; Possibly a combination of Katy and Cody

    • 293. Colin

      The name Colin is of Irish origin and means "youth."

    • 294. Andre

      The name Andre is of Greek origin and means "valiant" and "courageous."

    • 295. Cayden

      The name Cayden is of American origin and means "exciting."

    • 296. Aidan

      The name Aidan is of Irish origin and means "warm."

    • 297. Muhammad

      Muslim: from a personal name based on Arabic mụhammad "praiseworthy"

    • 298. Derek

      German: Ruler

    • 299. Ali

      German: Noble

    • 300. Elian

      Elian is of Spanish origins and means "light."

    • 301. Bodhi

      The name Bodhi is of Sanskrit origin and means "awakening, enlightenment."

    • 302. Cody
    • 303. Jensen

      Danish, Norwegian, and North German: patronymic from the personal name Jens, a reduced form of Johannes

    • 304. Damien

      The name Damien is of Greek origin and means "tamer."

    • 305. Martin

      The name Martin is of Latin origin and means "warlike."

    • 306. Cairo

      Italian (Sicily): habitational name from any of various places in Sicily named Cairo.

    • 307. Ellis

      Hebrew: The Lord is God

    • 308. Khalil

      The name Khalil is of Arabic origin and means "friend."

    • 309. Otto

      German: Wealthy

    • 310. Zander

      The name Zander is of Greek origin and means "defender of man."

    • 311. Dante

      Italian: from a reduced form of Durante

    • 312. Ismael

      Hebrew: God will hear

    • 313. Angelo

      Greek: Heavenly messenger

    • 314. Brantley

      The name Brantley is of English origin and means "sword" or "fiery torch."

    • 315. Manuel

      Hebrew: God is with us

    • 316. Colson

      English: Triumphant people

    • 317. Cruz

      The name Cruz is of Spanish origin and means "cross bearer."

    • 318. Tatum

      English: Cheerful, bringer of joy

    • 319. Jaylen

      The name Jaylen is of American origin and means "healer or tranquil."

    • 320. Jaden

      The name Jaden is of Hebrew origin and means "God heard."

    • 321. Erick

      The name Erick is derived from the Old Norse name meaning "ruler of all."

    • 322. Cristian

      Greek: Anointed

    • 323. Romeo

      Italian: Pilgrim to Rome; romantic lover

    • 324. Milan

      Hungarian: Kind

    • 325. Reid

      Old English: Red-haired; reed

    • 326. Cyrus

      Cyrus is of Persian origin and means "sun" or "one who bestows care." It is historically significant due to Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire.

    • 327. Leonel

      Latin: Little lion

    • 328. Joaquin

      Spanish (Joaquín): from the personal name, Spanish equivalent of Joachim

    • 329. Ari

      German: Melody

    • 330. Odin

      Norse: Head god in Norse mythology

    • 331. Orion

      Greek: Son of fire

    • 332. Ezequiel

      Hebrew: The strength of God

    • 333. Gideon

      Jewish: from the Biblical name meaning "one who cuts down" in Hebrew.

    • 334. Daxton

      The name Daxton is a modern invented name with no real meaning.

    • 335. Warren

      German: Watchman; gamekeeper; enclosure

    • 336. Casey

      Casey is Slavic for "Peacemaker."

    • 337. Anderson

      Swedish: Son of Andrew

    • 338. Spencer

      Old English: Dispenser, keeper

    • 339. Karson

      The name Karson is a modern-invented name that means "anointed one."

    • 340. Eduardo

      Old English: Rich guardian

    • 341. Chance

      The name Chance is of French origin and is the variation of the name Chauncey. Sometimes it can be affiliated with the English word meaning "luck."

    • 342. Fernando

      German: Courageous traveler

    • 343. Raymond

      Old English: Worthy protector

    • 344. Bradley

      The name Bradley is of Old English origin and means "broad meadow."

    • 345. Cesar

      Latin: A fine head of hair; Famous emperor

    • 346. Wade

      Middle English: A ford

    • 347. Prince

      Latin: Royal son

    • 348. Julius

      Latin: Youthful

    • 349. Dakota

      The name Dakota means "friend" and is of Sioux, Native American origin. It is a popular name for babies of any gender.

    • 350. Kade

      English, Scottish: Barrel; from the wetlands

    • 351. Koa

      Koa is of Hawaiian origin and means "warrior" or "brave."

    • 352. Raiden

      Raiden is of Japanese origin and means "thunder."

    • 353. Callan

      German: Chatter

    • 354. Hector

      Greek: Anchor

    • 355. Onyx

      Greek: Dark black; precious stone

    • 356. Remy

      French (Rémy) and Swiss German: from a medieval personal name which represents a falling together of two distinct Latin names: Remigius (a derivative of remex, genitive remigis, "rower, oarsman"), and Remedius (from remedium "cure", "remedy").

    • 357. Ricardo

      English: Rich and powerful ruler

    • 358. Edwin

      Old English: Rich friend

    • 359. Stephen

      Greek: Crown

    • 360. Kane

      Hebrew: Craftsman; spear

    • 361. Saint

      Saint is a gender-neutral name of Latin origin. Coming from the Latin word Sanctus, this name means “holy.”

    • 362. Titus

      Greek: Of the giants

    • 363. Desmond

      Latin: Society

    • 364. Killian

      Irish: Little warrior

    • 365. Sullivan

      Gaelic: Black eyes

    • 366. Mario

      Hebrew: Bitter; king-ruler

    • 367. Jay

      Hebrew: Supplanter, substitute; the patron saint of Spain

    • 368. Kamari

      Kamari is of Arabic origins and means "moon."

    • 369. Luciano

      Latin : Light

    • 370. Royal

      Old French: Regal one

    • 371. Zyaire

      Zyaire is an African name that means "River" or "Person from Zaire, the country that is now Democratic Republic of the Congo."

    • 372. Marco

      Latin: Warlike; hammer; defender

    • 373. Wilder

      English, German, Danish, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Wild

    • 374. Russell

      French: Red-haired; foxlike

    • 375. Nasir

      Arabic: Winning

    • 376. Rylan

      Old English: Dweller in the rye field

    • 377. Archie

      English: Bold prince

    • 378. Jared

      Hebrew: Descending

    • 379. Gianni

      Italian: God is gracious

    • 380. Kashton

      Kashton a boy's name of American origin that means "money" or "cash."

    • 381. Kobe

      The name Kobe is of Hebrew origin and means "cunning."

    • 382. Sergio

      Latin: Attendant

    • 383. Travis

      French: Crossing

    • 384. Marshall

      French: Keeper of the horses; military title

    • 385. Iker

      Iker is of Basque origins and means "visitation."

    • 386. Briggs

      Old English: One who lives near a bridge

    • 387. Gunner

      English: occupational name for an operator of heavy artillery

    • 388. Apollo

      Greek: Manly

    • 389. Bowen

      Welsh: Son of Owen

    • 390. Baylor

      Old French: Bay horse

    • 391. Sage

      The name Sage means "wise one" and comes from Latin, English, and French origin.

    • 392. Tyson

      English: Son of Ty; fiery

    • 393. Kyle

      Kyle is of Scottish and Gaelic origin and means "narrow strait" or "channel." It is derived from the Gaelic word caol, referring to a narrow body of water.

    • 394. Oakley

      The name Oakley means "from the oak meadow."

    • 395. Malik

      Muslim and Hindu (mainly Panjab): status name from a title meaning "lord", "ruler", "chief", from Arabic malik "king."

    • 396. Mathias

      Mathias is of Hebrew origin and means "Gift of God."

    • 397. Sean

      Hebrew: God"s grace

    • 398. Armani

      African: Faith

    • 399. Hugo

      Hugo is of German origin and means "Bright soul."

    • 400. Johnny

      Johnny is of Hebrew origin meaning "God's grace."

    • 401. Sterling

      English: Genuine, valued

    • 402. Forrest

      Old French : Out of the woods

    • 403. Harvey

      Old German : Battle

    • 404. Banks

      Banks is a topographic name for someone who lived on the slope of a hillside or by a riverbank, from northern Middle English banke (from Old Danish banke).

    • 405. Grady

      Latin : Rank

    • 406. Kameron

      The name Kameron is the newest spelling variation of the name Cameron.

    • 407. Jake

      Hebrew: The supplanter

    • 408. Franklin

      Old French: Free man

    • 409. Lawson

      Old English: Son of Lawrence

    • 410. Tanner

      Old English: Leather worker

    • 411. Eden

      The name Eden is from the Hebrew word eden, meaning "paradise", or "place of pleasure."

    • 412. Jaziel

      Jaziel is an alternate version of the Hebrew name Jahzeel meaning “allotted by God.”

    • 413. Pablo

      Spanish: Borrowed

    • 414. Reed

      Old English : Red-haired; reed

    • 415. Pedro

      Spanish : A rock

    • 416. Zayne

      Arabic: Beloved

    • 417. Royce

      English: Son of the king

    • 418. Edgar

      Old English: Prosperous warrior

    • 419. Ibrahim

      Ibrahim is of Hebrew origin and means "Father of a multitude."

    • 420. Winston

      Old English: Joy stone, victory town

    • 421. Ronin

      Ronin is primarily a male name of Irish origin that means "Little Seal."

    • 422. Leonidas

      Leonidas is of Greek origin and means "bold as a lion."

    • 423. Devin

      Irish: Poet

    • 424. Damon

      Greek : Tamer

    • 425. Noel

      Latin: Birthday; child born at Christmas

    • 426. Rhys

      Welsh : Ardent one

    • 427. Clark

      Old English: Cleric

    • 428. Corbin

      Old French: Raven

    • 429. Sonny

      Sonny is of English origin and means "Ormond's son."

    • 430. Colter

      Colter is Old English for "Colt herder."

    • 431. Esteban

      Esteban is of Greek origin meaning "Crown."

    • 432. Erik

      Erik is of Scandinavian origin and has meaning "Ruler of all."

    • 433. Baker

      Baker is an occupational name, from Middle English bakere, Old English bæcere, a derivative of bacan "to bake."

    • 434. Adan

      Adan's origin in Irish means warm, in Hebrew is means Earth.

    • 435. Dariel

      Dariel is of Old English origin and means"open."

    • 436. Kylo

      Kylo is of of Latin origin and means “sky” or “heavenly."

    • 437. Tripp

      Tripp is of Old English origin and means "Traveler."

    • 438. Caiden

      Old English : Round

    • 439. Frank

      Frank is Old French for "Free man."

    • 440. Solomon

      Hebrew : Peaceful

    • 441. Major

      Latin : Greater; military rank

    • 442. Memphis

      Memphis is the Greek version of the Egyptian name Mennefer meaning "established beauty."

    • 443. Quinn

      Quinn is of Irish origin and means "descendant of Conn." It is a gender-neutral name derived from the Gaelic surname Ó Cuinn, which signifies "chief" or "wise."

    • 444. Dax

      Dax is a boy's name of French origin, meaning "Leader."

    • 445. Hank

      Hank has German origin and means "House ruler."

    • 446. Donovan

      Irish : Dark warrior

    • 447. Finnegan

      Irish: Fair

    • 448. Nehemiah

      Hebrew: God"s compassion

    • 449. Andy

      Andy is from a pet form in English (and possibly other languages as well) of the personal names Andrew or Anders (see Andreas).

    • 450. Camilo

      Camilo is Latin meaning "Free-born child", the masculine of Camille.

    • 451. Asa

      Asa can mean "morning", but the most likely meaning is "hemp", making it a topographic or occupational name.

    • 452. Jeffrey

      Old French : Peaceful

    • 453. Santino

      Italian : from the personal name Santino, a pet form of Santo.

    • 454. Isaias

      Isaias is of Latin origin meaning "Salvation of the Lord."

    • 455. Jaiden

      Hebrew : God heard

    • 456. Kian

      Kian is of Irish origin meaning "Archaic."

    • 457. Fabian

      Fabian is of Latin origin meaning "Bear."

    • 458. Callen

      Callen is of German origin meaning "Chatter" and Irish origin meaning "Powerful in battle."

    • 459. Ruben

      Ruben is of Hebrew origin and means "Behold a son."

    • 460. Alexis

      Alexis is of Greek origin and means "helper" or "defender." It is a unisex name historically used for both boys and girls, deriving from the names Alexander or Alexios, in the Greek.

    • 461. Emanuel

      Emanuel is of Hebrew origin and means "God is with us."

    • 462. Francis

      Francis is Old French and means "Free," an androgynous name, though Frances is generally used for girls and Francis for boys.

    • 463. Garrett

      English: Strong

    • 464. Kendrick

      Irish : Son of Henry

    • 465. Matthias

      Matthias is of Hebrew origin and means "Gift of God."

    • 466. Wells

      Wells is of Old English origin and means "From the springs."

    • 467. Augustus

      Augustus is a re-creation of the Latin personal name Augustus on the basis of its medieval vernacular derivatives, principally August.

    • 468. Jasiah

      Jasiah is primarily a male name of Hebrew origin that means "God Will Save."

    • 469. Alijah

      Hebrew origin name that is an alternate spelling of the name "Elijah," meaning "my Lord is my God."

    • 470. Alonzo

      Alonzo is the Spanish variant of Alonso meaning noble and ready.

    • 471. Koda

      Koda is both a boy's name and a girl's name of Japanese origin meaning "friend."

    • 472. Collin

      Greek : Famous one

    • 473. Ford

      Ford is Old English meaning "River crossing."

    • 474. Frederick

      Frederick means "Peaceful ruler" and is of German origin.

    • 475. Jaxton

      Jaxton is an alternate version of the name Jackson which means "son of Jack" or "God is gracious."

    • 476. Kohen

      Kohen is the Hebrew word for "priest."

    • 477. Troy

      French : Place name

    • 478. Kason

      Kason is an Old Norse name meaning “calf.”

    • 479. Seth

      Seth is of Hebrew origin and means "Appointed one."

    • 480. Denver

      Denver originates from the English term "Green valley."

    • 481. Kyson

      Kyson is of English origin and means "son of Ky."

    • 482. Ares

      Ares is probably a habitational name from places called Ares, in the provinces of A Coruña and Lugo in Galicia, either from the plural of ar "wind", "air."

    • 483. Raphael

      Raphael is of Hebrew origin and means "Healed by God."

    • 484. Bodie

      Bodie is of english origin, a variant spelling of Body.

    • 485. Sylas

      Sylas is a boy's name of Latin origin, meaning “ man of the forest.”

    • 486. Uriel

      Uriel is of Hebrew origin and means "God of light."

    • 487. Zaiden

      Zaiden is a Hebrew name meaning "increasing" or "surplus."

    • 488. Shiloh

      Shiloh is of Hebrew origin and means "place of peace" or "peaceful." It is a Biblical name that refers to an ancient city mentioned in the Old Testament.

    • 489. Lewis

      Lewis is Old German for "Famous Warrior."

    • 490. Kieran

      Kieran is of Celtic and Gaelic origins meaning "Dark-skinned."

    • 491. Marcos

      Marcos is primarily a male name of Portuguese origin that means "Of Mars."

    • 492. Bo

      Bo is a patronymic from the personal name Bo "farmer."

    • 493. Shepherd

      Shepherd is of Old English origin and means "One who herds sheep."

    • 494. Philip

      Philip is of Greek origin and means "Horse lover."

    • 495. Zaire

      Zaire is of Arabic origin and means "Rose."

    • 496. Gregory

      Gregory is of Greek origin and means "Watchman."

    • 497. Princeton

      Princeton is a boy's name of Latin origin that means “princely town.”

    • 498. Roberto

      Roberto is of Old English origin and means "Bright."

    • 499. Leland

      Old English : From the meadowland

    • 500. Eithan

      Eithan is Hebrew meaning "strong", or "firm."

    • 501. Moshe

      Moshe translates to “savior” and “to pull out of water.”

    • 502. Johnathan

      Johnathan is an alternate spelling of the name Johnathan, a Hebrew name that means "God's gift" or "gift of Jehovah."

    • 503. Lucca

      Lucca is Latin for "light."

    • 504. Kenzo

      Kenzo is boy's name of Japanese origin meaning "wise."

    • 505. Mack

      Mack is of Scottish origin meaning "Charming."

    • 506. Porter

      Porter is of French origin and means "Gatekeeper."

    • 507. Kolton

      Kolton is of English origin meaning "Coal Town."

    • 508. Kaison

      Kaison is of American origin and means "son of a fighter."

    • 509. Valentino

      Valentino is of Latin origin and means "Good health."

    • 510. Saul

      Saul is of Hebrew origin and means "Asked for."

    • 511. Shane

      Shane is of Hebrew origin and means "Beautiful."

    • 512. Jamari

      Jamari is a male name of Arabic origins meaning “beauty.”

    • 513. Rocco

      Rocco is of English origin and means "Rich and powerful ruler."

    • 514. Kylan

      Kylan is of Irish and Gaelic origin and means “narrow” and “straight.”

    • 515. Deacon

      Deacon is a boy's name of Greek origin, meaning "Messenger."

    • 516. Dalton

      Dalton means "From the valley" in Old English and German.

    • 517. Moses

      Moses translates to “savior” and “to pull out of water.”

    • 518. Callahan

      Callahan, this name was borne by a 10th-century king of Munster.

    • 519. Tadeo

      Tadeo is of Latin origin meaning "Courageous."

    • 520. Makai

      Makai is a Hawaiian boy's name meaning "toward the sea."

    • 521. Amiri

      Amiri is of Muslim origin and is an Arabic family name meaning "descended from or associated with Amir."

    • 522. Rowen

      Rowen is of Old English origin and means "Tree with red berries."

    • 523. Drew

      Drew originated in Greece as "Valiant", or "courageous" and from Welsh origin it means "Wise."

    • 524. Jalen

      Jalen is a ,odern American name for boy's meaning “calm” or “tranquil.”

    • 525. Kylian

      Kylian is of Irish origins and means"war strife" or "church."

    • 526. Sutton

      Sutton is of Norse origin meaning "From the southern land."

    • 527. Dominick

      Dominick is of Latin origin and means "The Lord's."

    • 528. Reece

      Reece is Old Welsh and means "Enthusiastic."

    • 529. Rodrigo

      Rodrigo is of German origin and means "Famous one."

    • 530. Soren

      Soren is of Danish and Old Norse origins and means "Thunder."

    • 531. Kasen

      Kasen is of Latin origin and means "Protected with a helmet."

    • 532. Ridge

      Ridge is of English origin and means "From the ridge."

    • 533. Zachariah

      Zachariah is of Hebrew origin and means "God remembers."

    • 534. Jamir

      Jamar is a male name of Arabic origins meaning “handsome.”

    • 535. Peyton

      The name Peyton is of English origin and means "fighting man's estate." It was originally an English surname before becoming a popular given name.

    • 536. Omari

      Omari is a Swahili name meaning "flourishing."

    • 537. Trevor

      Trevor is a boy's name of Welsh origin. Spelled Trefor in Welsh, Trevor means “large settlement.”

    • 538. Morgan

      The name Morgan is of Welsh origin and means "white sea." It is derived from the Welsh elements mor, meaning “sea” and cant, “circle.”

    • 539. Izaiah

      Izaiah is of Hebrew origin and means "Salvation of the Lord."

    • 540. Alessandro

      Alessandro is of Greek origin and means protector of mankind.

    • 541. Kaysen

      Kaysen is a creative, modern variant of an old Scottish boy's name that means "son of the marsh-dwellers."

    • 542. Enrique

      Enrique is of Basque and German origin, meaning "Ruler of an estate" and "House Ruler."

    • 543. Marcelo

      Marcelo is of Latin origin and means "Martial," or "warlike."

    • 544. Sincere

      Sincere is a name derived from the Latin word sincerus, meaning “pure” and “clean.”

    • 545. Lucian

      Lucian translates to “Light” in Latin.

    • 546. Leandro

      Leandro is of Greek origin meaning "Lion Man."

    • 547. Armando

      Armando is from Armando, a personal name of Germanic origin, cognate with Armand.

    • 548. Braylen

      Braylen is a modern version of the English name Brayden meaning "broad valley.”

    • 549. Jayson

      Jayson is of Greek origin and means "healer."

    • 550. Julio

      Julio is of Latin origin and means "Youthful."

    • 551. Lawrence

      Lawrence is of Latin origin meaning "Laurel crown."

    • 552. Cassius

      Cassius is Latin meaning "Vain."

    • 553. Raul

      Raul is of Old English and means "Wolf," and "wise counsel."

    • 554. Jase

      Jase is of Greek origin and means "Healer."

    • 555. Mohammad

      Mohammad is of Arabic origin and means "Praiseworthy."

    • 556. Zain

      Zain is of Arabic origin and means "Beloved."

    • 557. Jayceon

      Jayceon is of Greek origin and means "healer."

    • 558. Jonas

      Jonas is of Hebrew origin and means "dove."

    • 559. Ronald

      Ronald is of Old Norse origin meaning "Mighty."

    • 560. Ayaan

      Ayaan is an Arabic name meaning "God's gift."

    • 561. Rio

      Rio is of Spanish origin and means "A river."

    • 562. Allen

      Allen is from a Celtic personal name of great antiquity and obscurity. In England the personal name is now usually spelled Alan.

    • 563. Bruce

      Bruce is a habitational name from a place in Normandy which has not been certainly identified.

    • 564. Mohamed

      Mohamed is of Arabic origin and means "Praiseworthy."

    • 565. Dorian

      Dorian has Greek origins and means "Gift."

    • 566. Maximilian

      Maximilian is of Latin origin and means "the greatest."

    • 567. Keegan

      Keegan is of Gaelic origin and means "Little fierce one."

    • 568. Shawn

      Shawn is of Hebrew origin and means "God is gracious."

    • 569. Yusuf

      Yusuf is of Hebrew origin and means "God increases."

    • 570. Pierce

      Pierce is a boy's name of Welsh, English, and Irish origin, meaning “son of Piers.”

    • 571. Ariel

      Ariel is of Hebrew origin and means "lion of God." It is comprised of the Hebrew elements of 'ari, meaning "lion" and 'el, meaning "God."

    • 572. Ander

      Ander is a Scandinavian male name meaning "lion man."

    • 573. Conor

      Conor is a male given name of Irish origin. The meaning of the name is "Lover of Wolves" or "Lover of Hounds".

    • 574. Conrad

      Conrad is Old German for "Brave advisor."

    • 575. Phillip

      Phillip is of Greek origin and means "Horse lover."

    • 576. Arjun

      Arjun is of Sanskrit origin meaning "the white one."

    • 577. Roy

      Roy is of Old French origin and means "The king."

    • 578. Moises

      Moises is a variant of the name Moses, this name translates to “savior” and “to pull out of water.”

    • 579. Arturo

      Arturo is of Welsh origin meaning "bear hero."

    • 580. Johan

      Johan is of Hebrew origin meaning "God's grace."

    • 581. Gerardo

      Gerardo is of French origin and means "spear warrior."

    • 582. Atreus

      Atreus is a Greek name meaning "fearless."

    • 583. Nikolai

      Nikolai is of Greek origin and means "Victorious people."

    • 584. Braylon

      Braylon is an invented name of American origin meaning "wide hill."

    • 585. Samson

      Samson is of Hebrew origin and means "Like the sun."

    • 586. Hezekiah

      Hezekiah is Hebrew meaning "God is my strength."

    • 587. Kayce
    • 588. Scott

      Scott is of Old English origin and means "From Scotland."

    • 589. Gunnar

      Gunnar is of Old Norse origin and means "War."

    • 590. Jamison

      Jamison is of Hebrew origin. Stemming from James, it is a biblical name meaning “he who supplants.”

    • 591. Samir

      Samir is of Hindi origin and means "Wind."

    • 592. Keanu

      Keanu is of Hawaiian origin and means "Cool breeze over the mountains."

    • 593. Ledger

      Ledger is primarily a male name of English origin that means "Spear Tribe."

    • 594. Jaime

      Jaime is of French origin and means "I love."

    • 595. Finnley

      Finnley is from Scottish origins and means “fair-haired, courageous one.”

    • 596. Cannon

      Cannon has French origin, meaning "Official of the church."

    • 597. Colby

      Colby in Hebrew means "Faithful" while looking at English origin it means "Dark-haired."

    • 598. Nikolas

      Nikolas is of Greek origin and means "Victorious people."

    • 599. Emmitt

      Emmitt is of English origin and means "Hard worker."

    • 600. Kamden

      Kamden is an American name for boys meaning “winding valley.”

    • 601. Miller

      Miller is of Old English origin and means "One who mills."

    • 602. Boone

      Boone is a from a nickname meaning "good", from Old French bon "good."

    • 603. Hamza

      Hamza has Arabic origin and means "Lion."

    • 604. Ocean

      Ocean comes, via the Old French occean, from the Latin oceanus, and ultimately from the Greek okeanos - meaning “the great river or sea surrounding the disk of the Earth”

    • 605. Mac

      Mac is of Scottish origin meaning "Charming."

    • 606. Anakin

      Anakin is modern American name meaning "warrior."

    • 607. Brixton

      Brixton is a boy and gir's name of English origin derived from "the stone of Brixi."

    • 608. Roland

      Roland is of German origin and means "From the famous land."

    • 609. Huxley

      Huxley is of English origin and means "Ash-tree field."

    • 610. Zeke

      Zeke is of Arabic origin and means "The memory of the lord."

    • 611. Danny

      Danny has Hebrew origin and means "God is my judge."

    • 612. Marvin

      Marvin is of English origin and means "Beautiful sea."

    • 613. Otis

      Otis is of German origin and means "Wealthy."

    • 614. Albert

      Albert is from the personal name Albert, composed of the Germanic elements adal "noble" + berht "bright", "famous."

    • 615. Clay

      Clay is German, meaning Adhere.

    • 616. Emir

      Emir is a boy's name of Arabic origin meaning "prince."

    • 617. Boston

      Boston is a habitational name from the place in Lincolnshire, the name of which means "Bōtwulf"s stone."

    • 618. Bruno

      Bruno is of Italian and Portuguese origin from a Germanic personal name, Bruno.

    • 619. Lionel

      Lionel has Latin origins and means "Little Lion."

    • 620. Ozzy

      Ozzy is of Hebrew origin and means "Strength."

    • 621. Taylor

      Taylor is of Old English origin and means "tailor."

    • 622. Jamie

      Jamie is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin. Stemming from James, it is a biblical name meaning “he who supplants.”

    • 623. Augustine

      Augustine Americanized form of any of various European surnames from personal names derived from Latin Augustinus.

    • 624. Chaim

      Chaim is Hebrew meaning "Craftsman" or "Life" and is the masculine form of Eve.

    • 625. Krew

      Krew is a boy's name of American origin, derived from the word "crew," meaning “a group of people.”

    • 626. Rayan

      Rayan is of Persian origin and means "smart", "wise" or "thinker."

    • 627. Alden

      Alden is from a Middle English personal name. This is either Aldan, a variant of Healfdane (see Haldane), or Aldine, Old English Ealdwine, literally "old friend"

    • 628. Bellamy

      Bellamy is a literal or ironic nickname meaning "fine friend."

    • 629. Amos

      Amos is from the Hebrew personal name Amos, of uncertain origin, in some traditions connected with the Hebrew verb amos "to carry", and assigned the meaning "borne by God."

    • 630. Drake

      Drake takes its origin from the Latin word Dragon.

    • 631. Davis

      Davis The meaning of Davis is "beloved" and is of Hebrew origin if we considered to be a variant of the name "David."

    • 632. Dustin

      Dustin in Old English, means "Dark Stone."

    • 633. Corey

      Corey is a masculine version of name Cora, which has Greek origins and is the maiden name of the goddess Persephone.

    • 634. Ahmad

      Ahmad from the Arabic personal name Ạhmad "the most praised."

    • 635. Conner

      Conner is a name that means "lover of hounds" or "wise" and has Irish and Scottish roots.

    • 636. Gustavo

      Gustavo is of Swedish origin and means "Goth."

    • 637. Layton

      Layton has Old English origins and means "One from the meadow farm."

    • 638. Abram

      Abram is from a reduced form of Abraham, which comes from the Hebrew personal name Avraham.

    • 639. Axton

      Axton is a habitational name from Axton in Kent, named from the Old English personal name Acca + Old English stān "stone."

    • 640. Chandler

      Chandler is a French occupational name meaning "candle maker or "candle seller."

    • 641. Azariah

      Azariah is Hebrew meaning "Servant of Nego."

    • 642. Reese

      Reese is of Welsh origin and means "enthusiastic" or "ardent."

    • 643. Benson

      Benson is a patronymic from the medieval personal name Benne, a pet form of Benedict.

    • 644. Tru

      Tru is both a boy's name and a girl's name meaning "loyal one".

    • 645. Case

      Case is Anglo-Saxon in origin. It was a name given to a person who makes boxes, chests or receptacles.

    • 646. Trey

      Trey is of Middle English origin and means "Third-born."

    • 647. Mauricio

      Mauricio is of Latin origin and means "Dark-skinned."

    • 648. Westin

      Westin is primarily a male name of English origin that means "From The West Town."

    • 649. Gage

      Gage is of French origin meaning "Pledge."

    • 650. Reign

      Reign is a regal gender-neutral name of American origin. It means "rule" or "sovereign."

    • 651. Creed

      Creed originates in Latin translating from crēdō, to "I believe," once specific to the Christian faith.

    • 652. Mylo

      Mylo is of German origin and means "Soft-hearted."

    • 653. Dennis

      Dennis means "Fine wine lover" and is of Greek origin.

    • 654. Quentin

      Quentin is of Latin origin and means "Fifth-born child."

    • 655. Madden

      Madden is of Hindi origin meaning "Cupid."

    • 656. Rome

      Rome is a masculine given name meaning "from Rome", which originated within the Roman Empire, via Latin.

    • 657. Julien

      Julien is of Latin origin and means "Youthful."

    • 658. Sam

      Sam is of Hebrew origin and means "To hear."

    • 659. Zaid

      Zaid is of Arabic origin and means "To increase."

    • 660. Marcel

      Marcel is of Latin origin and means "Martial," or "warlike."

    • 661. Maximo

      Maximo is of Latin origin and means "the greatest."

    • 662. Layne

      Layne is of Middle English origin meaning "Narrow Road."

    • 663. Ahmed

      Ahmed is the Muslim variant spelling of Ahmad., meaning "the most praised."

    • 664. Kannon

      Kannon is a Japanese name meaning" bodhisattva: a term for or a person who is on the path to enlightenment or a buddhist."

    • 665. Quincy

      Quincy is of French origin and means "Estate belonging to the fifth son."

    • 666. Yosef

      Yosef is of Hebrew origin and means "He shall add."

    • 667. Aarav

      Aarav is a boy's name Hindi origin meaning "peaceful."

    • 668. Lennon

      Lennon is an Irish Gaelic name meaning both "cloak" and "lover."

    • 669. Ryland

      Ryland is of Old English origin and means "Dweller in the rye field."

    • 670. Skyler

      Skyler is of Dutch origin and means "Shield" or "scholar."

    • 671. Chris

      Chris is the shortened form of Christopher or any of its cognates or derivatives.

    • 672. Eliam

      Eliam is Hebrew meaning "God is my nation."

    • 673. Kareem

      Kareem is of Arabic origin meaning "Charitable."

    • 674. Kyree

      Kyree is a gender-neutral name of Greek origin, meaning “noble lord or lady.”

    • 675. Dario

      Dario is of Spanish origin and means "Well off."

    • 676. Donald

      Donald is a masculine given name derived from the Gaelic name Dòmhnall. This comes from the Proto-Celtic *Dumno-ualos ("world-ruler" or "world-wielder")

    • 677. Fletcher

      Fletcher is Old French for "Seller of arrows."

    • 678. Darius

      Darius means "wealthy" in Greek and "king" in Persian.

    • 679. Duke

      Duke comes from Latin and Celtic origin and means "Leader."

    • 680. Rayden

      Rayden is of Japanese origin and means "God spirit"

    • 681. Salem

      Salem gender-neutral title has origins in both Hebrew and Arabic and bears the meanings “peaceful, safe, complete, perfect.”

    • 682. Vicente

      Vicente comes from Spanish origin and means "Winner."

    • 683. Vincenzo

      Vincenzo is of Latin origin and means "conquering."

    • 684. Cayson

      Cayson is of English origin meaning "unexplained."

    • 685. Eliseo

      Eliseo is an Italian boy's name meaning “God is my salvation.”

    • 686. Issac

      Issac is of Hebrew origin and means "laughter."

    • 687. Lian

      Lian is a Chinese unisex name meaning “graceful willow tree” or “lotus flower.”

    • 688. Clyde

      Clyde is of Welsh origin meaning "Heard from afar."

    • 689. Wilson

      Wilson is of German origin meaning "Son of William."

    • 690. Santana

      Santana is of Spanish origin and means "Saintly."

    • 691. Tomas

      Tomas is of Greek origin and means "Twin."

    • 692. Dexter

      Dexter translates from Latin and means "Right-handed."

    • 693. Keith

      Keith is of Irish and Scottish origin meaning "from the battleground."

    • 694. Houston

      Houston is of English origin and means "Town house."

    • 695. Harry

      Harry in Old German means "Commander," and in Old English menas "Army ruler."

    • 696. Uriah

      Uriah is of Hebrew origin and means "God of light."

    • 697. Lee

      The name Lee comes from English word laye, which means “clearing in the woods” or “meadow.”

    • 698. Rex

      Rex is of Latin origin and means "King."

    • 699. Tony

      Tony is an English short form of Anthony, from the Latin name antonius, meaning "priceless", "flourishing."

    • 700. Carmelo

      Carmelo is Hebrew meaning "From the garden."

    • 701. Alberto

      Alberto is from the personal name Alberto, Spanish and Italian equivalent of Albert.

    • 702. Loyal

      Loyal from Old French loial Middle English loyal means "faithful honest."

    • 703. Trace

      Trace is of Latin origin meaning "Courageous."

    • 704. Alfredo

      Alfredo derives from Old English meaning "wise counsel."

    • 705. Riggs

      Riggs is boy's name meaning "one who lives on the ridge."

    • 706. Forest

      Forest is of Old French origin and means "Out of the woods."

    • 707. Raylan

      Raylan is an Old French name meaning "good judgement" or "wise."

    • 708. Salvador

      Salvador is of Spanish origin and means "Savior."

    • 709. Jakari

      Jakari is a Swahili name meaning "God will protect."

    • 710. Zakai

      Zakai is of Hebrew origin and means "Innocent."

    • 711. Louie

      Louie is of German origin, meaning "Famed warrior."

    • 712. Flynn

      Flynn means "Son of the red-haired man" and is of Irish origin.

    • 713. Leonard

      Leonard is of German origin and means "lion-hearted."

    • 714. Mohammed

      Mohammed is of Arabic origin and means "Praiseworthy."

    • 715. Derrick

      Derrick originates from the German term for "Ruler."

    • 716. Musa

      Musa is of Old French origin and means "A ballad."

    • 717. Avi

      Avi is of Hebrew Origin meaning "springtime."

    • 718. Ty

      Ty is of Hebrew origin and means "Rock" or Sharp."

    • 719. Westley

      Westley is of Old English and German origins and means "West of the meadow."

    • 720. Ambrose

      Ambrose is from the English form of the medieval personal name, Latin Ambrosius, from Greek ambrosios "immortal", which was popular throughout Christendom in medieval Europe.

    • 721. Brycen

      Brycen is of English origin meaning "Son of a nobleman."

    • 722. Aron

      Aron is of Jewish origin, a variant of Aaron.

    • 723. Caspian

      Caspian is an Arabic name meaning "white."

    • 724. Gatlin

      Gatlin is of Old German origins and means "companion, friend or cousin."

    • 725. Harlan

      Harlan in German means "Flax" while in Old English origin it means "Rabbit archer."

    • 726. Dillon

      Dillon is of Irish and Welsh origin and means "Faithful" and "Sea" respectively.

    • 727. Emery

      Emery is of German origin and means "industrious leader." It is derived from the Old German name Emmerich, meaning "ruler of work."

    • 728. Nixon

      Nixon is of Greek origin and means "Victorious people."

    • 729. Tommy

      Tommy is of Greek origin and means "Twin."

    • 730. Watson

      Watson is of Old English origin and means "Son of Walter."

    • 731. Zayd

      Zayd is of Arabic origin and means "To increase."

    • 732. Azrael

      A Hebrew name that means "Help from God."

    • 733. Zyair

      Zyair is a boy's name of African origins meaning "the river that swallows all rivers."

    • 734. Azriel

      Azriel is a name of Hebrew origin. Azriel is the name of the Angel of Death in Jewish and Muslim traditions.

    • 735. Legacy

      Legacy comes from the Latin verb, legare "to appoint by a last will, send as an ambassador."

    • 736. Cillian

      Cillian, this Irish boy's name means "bright-headed."

    • 737. Alvin

      Alvin is an Old English name meaning "wise friend."

    • 738. Bridger

      Bridger is an English variant of Bridge.

    • 739. Alec

      Alec is of Greek origin and means protector of mankind.

    • 740. Edison

      Edison is English meaning "son of Edward."

    • 741. Kingsley

      Kingsley is of Old English origin meaning "Ruler."

    • 742. Remi

      Remi is of French origin and means "Fun-loving."

    • 743. Briar

      Briar has English origin meaning shrub or small tree, and French origin meaning heather.

    • 744. Jaxxon

      Jaxxon is primarily a male name of American origin that means "Son of Jack."

    • 745. Truett

      Truett is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means "Dry Resinous Wood" and "River Bend."

    • 746. Lachlan

      Lachlan is of Scottish origin and means "Feisty."

    • 747. Cal

      Cal is of Hebrew origin whose shorthand style encompasses a fiercely loyal spirit.

    • 748. Landen

      Landen is of Old English origin and means "Long hill."

    • 749. Roger

      Roger is of German origin and means "Famous spearman."

    • 750. Alonso

      Alonso is from the personal name Alonso, a cognate of Alfonso, meaning noble and ready.

    • 751. Kaiser

      Kaiser is of Latin and Greek origin meaning "Long haired," or "head of fine hair."

    • 752. Blaze

      Blaze is of English origin, a variant of Blaise.

    • 753. Jerry

      Jerry is a first name and nickname meaning “spear.”

    • 754. Seven

      Seven is of American origin, after the number 7.

    • 755. Kenji

      Kenji is a Japanese male name meaning "second son."

    • 756. Noe

      Noe derives from the Biblical personal name Noach "Noah", which means "comfort" in Hebrew.

    • 757. Quinton

      Quinton is of Latin origin and means "Fifth-born child."

    • 758. Grey

      Grey is of Old English origin and means "To shine."

    • 759. Jefferson

      Jefferson is Old French meaning "Peaceful."

    • 760. Marcellus

      Marcellus is of Latin origin and means "Martial," or "warlike."

    • 761. Ray

      Ray means “protection.” It's a shortened version of the name Raymond, which means “wise protector” or “counsel hand” when translated from Old German.

    • 762. Kyro

      Kyro is a name of Arabic origins that means "victorious one."

    • 763. Benicio

      Benicio is a boy's name of Latin origin, meaning “blessed.”

    • 764. Justice

      Justice is of Old French origin meaning "Justice."

    • 765. Neil

      Neil is a boy's name of Irish origin. It is an Anglicized version of "Niall," which means "champion" or "passionate."

    • 766. Idris

      Idris is Welsh for "Eager lord."

    • 767. Bear

      Bear is from the Middle English nickname Bere meaning "bear" (Old English bera, which is also found as a byname).

    • 768. Kiaan

      Kiaan is boy's name of Indian origin meaning "grace of God."

    • 769. Wayne

      Wayne is of Old English origin and means "Wagon maker."

    • 770. Ben

      Ben is a masculine name of Hebrew origin meaning “son.”

    • 771. Junior

      Junior is of Latin origin meaning "Younger."

    • 772. Karim
    • 773. Yehuda

      Yehuda is of Hebrew origin and means "Praised."

    • 774. Jimmy

      Jimmy is of Hebrew origin and a derivation of James. Associated with victory and change, Jimmy means “he who supplants.”

    • 775. Ramon

      Ramon is Old English and means "Worthy Protector."

    • 776. Bjorn

      Bjorn is a from a personal name and nickname meaning "bear" (Old Norse bjǫrn).

    • 777. Nathanael

      Nathanael is of Hebrew origin and means "gift of God."

    • 778. Stanley

      Stanley is of Old English and means "From the rocky meadow."

    • 779. Hassan

      Hassan is or Arabic origin and means "Good-looking."

    • 780. Magnus

      Magnus is of Latin origin and means "The great one."

    • 781. Trenton

      Trenton is of Old English origin meaning "Dweller by the Trent."

    • 782. Brayan

      Brayan is an American name combining Brayden and Bryan. This name means "high" or "noble."

    • 783. Brock

      Brock is of English, Scottish, and North German origin, a variant of Brook.

    • 784. Jagger

      Jagger is of English origin and means "Carter."

    • 785. Cason

      Cason is a habitational name for someone from Cawston in Norfolk.

    • 786. Dakari

      Dakari is of African origin, meaning "Happy."

    • 787. Rey

      Rey is a gender-neutral name deriving from Spanish origins. The name translates to “king.”

    • 788. Abdiel

      Abdiel is Hebrew meaning Servant of God.

    • 789. Abdullah

      Muslim name from the Arabic personal name ‛Abdullāh "servant of Allah."

    • 790. Casen

      Casen is an Irish name meaing "pure."

    • 791. Jiraiya

      Jiraiya is boy's name meaning "young thunder."

    • 792. Lance

      Lance is of French and German origin and means "Lancer," and "Spear," respectively.

    • 793. Misael

      Misael is boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "as God is."

    • 794. Alvaro

      Alvaro is from the personal name Álvaro, which is of Germanic (Visigothic) origin, although the exact etymology is not clear.

    • 795. Robin

      Robin is of Old English origin and means "Bright."

    • 796. Langston

      Langston is of Old English origin and means "Long."

    • 797. Nelson

      Nelson is Old English and means "Son of a champion," or "Son of Neil."

    • 798. Wes

      Wes is of Old English and German origins and means "West of the meadow."

    • 799. Khari

      Khari is of of Swahili origin and means “kingly” or “like a king.”

    • 800. Landyn

      Landyn is of Old English origin and means "Long hill."

    • 801. Jakai

      Jakai is a modern American name, possibly derived from the boys' names Jack and Kai. This Christian name translates to "God is gracious."

    • 802. Lochlan

      Lochlan is a Scottish boy's name meaning “land of the lakes.”

    • 803. Valentin

      Valentin is of Latin origin and means "Good health."

    • 804. Keaton

      Keaton is of English origin and means "Hawk's Nest."

    • 805. Amias

      A name of Latin origins that means "loved" or "beloved."

    • 806. Joziah

      Joziah is an alternate spelling of the Hebrew name "Josiah" meaning "God will save.”

    • 807. Thaddeus

      Thaddeus is of Latin origin meaning "Courageous."

    • 808. Jedidiah

      Jedidiah is of Hebrew origin and means "Beloved by God."

    • 809. Orlando

      Orlando is of Latin origin and means "bright sun."

    • 810. Eliel

      Eliel is a Hebrew name. It can be translated to English as "My God is God".

    • 811. Hugh

      Hugh is of German origin and means "Bright soul."

    • 812. Koen

      A Dutch name meaning "bold" or "daring."

    • 813. Calum

      Calum is a Scottish boy's name meaning "dove."

    • 814. Enoch

      Enoch is of Hebrew origin meaning "Trained and vowed."

    • 815. Mitchell

      Mitchell is of Hebrew origin and means "who is like God."

    • 816. Rohan

      Rohan in Hindi derives from "Sandalwood" while in Irish it means "Red-haired one."

    • 817. Aryan

      Aryan is of German origin meaning Melody.

    • 818. Dilan

      Dilan is a boy's name of Welsh origins meaning "born near the sea."

    • 819. Aden

      Aden is patronymic from the personal name Ade.

    • 820. Allan

      Allan is a variant spelling of Allen. This is the more common spelling of the name in Scotland and northern England.

    • 821. Leighton

      Leighton has Old English origins and means "One from the meadow farm."

    • 822. Elisha

      Elisha is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin meaning "God is my salvation."

    • 823. Evander

      Evander is deriving from Greek and Scottish roots, and means "good man."

    • 824. Castiel

      Castiel is boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "my cover is God."

    • 825. Curtis

      Curtis has Spanish and Old French origins, meaning "Courteous."

    • 826. Kellen

      Kellen is of German origin meaning "Swamp" and Irish origin meaning "Powerful."

    • 827. Dash

      Dash is a topographic name for someone who lived near an ash tree, or a habitational name from a place named with the Old English word æsc (Ash).

    • 828. Douglas

      Douglas is Old English and means "Dark Water."

    • 829. Eddie

      Eddie is Old English for "rich guardian."

    • 830. Melvin

      Melvin is of Celtic origin and means "Chief."

    • 831. Avyaan

      Avyaan is a name of Indian/Hindu origin and is a figure related to Ganesha, the Hindu god of beginnings and good luck.

    • 832. Everest

      Everest is of English origin, named after the earth's tallest peak.

    • 833. Zamir
    • 834. Ricky

      Ricky is of Latin origin and means "Noble one."

    • 835. Dutton
    • 836. Yahir

      Yahir is of Hebrew origin and means "he will enlighten."

    • 837. Devon

      Devon is derived from English and means "From Devonshire."

    • 838. Franco

      Franco Franco is a boy's name, originating from the Latin word Francis which means “free man” or “Frenchman.”

    • 839. Khaza
    • 840. Dior

      Dior is a French name and means "Present."

    • 841. Leif

      Old Norse name meaning "beloved."

    • 842. Sevyn

      Sevyn is an American name meaning "seven."

    • 843. Guillermo

      Guillermo means "Resolute" and "Protector" and has Spanish and Teutonic origin.

    • 844. Ira

      Ira is Hebrew and means "Watchful."

    • 845. Emory

      Emory in Latin means "Loving," while in German it means "Powerful home."

    • 846. Felipe

      Felipe means "Horse Lover," and is of Greek origin.

    • 847. Titan

      Titan is of Greek origin and means "Of the giants."

    • 848. Alfred

      Alfred from the Middle English personal name Alvred, Old English Ælfrǣd "elf counsel."

    • 849. Azael

      Azael is Hebrew meaning "Strengthened by God."

    • 850. Zahir

      Zahir is both a boy's name and a girl's name of Arabic origin meaning "helper, supporter."

    • 851. Kellan

      Kellan is a gender-neutral name of Gaelic origin, meaning “slender.”

    • 852. Darren

      Darren is Old English for "Rocky hill."

    • 853. Rudy

      Rudy is a boy's name of German origin. Derived from the German name Hrōdwulf, Rudy basks in the glow of its meaning, "famous wolf."

    • 854. Ayan

      Ayan has African and Hindi origin meaning "Beautiful flower" and "Innocent" respectively.

    • 855. Leroy

      Leroy is Old French for "The king."

    • 856. Anders

      Anders is from the personal name Anders, vernacular form of Andreas. The German name is also found in Poland and has yielded a family name in Czech (Anderš).

    • 857. Ishaan

      Ishaan is of Hindi origin and means "Direction."

    • 858. Reuben

      Reuben is of Hebrew origin and means "Behold, a son."

    • 859. Boden

      Boden is old French for "Herald."

    • 860. McCoy

      McCoy is of Irish origin and means "Son of Hugh."

    • 861. Heath

      Heath is of English origin and means "Cliff near a heath."

    • 862. Kase

      Kase is of American origin and means "Happy."

    • 863. Wylder

      Wylder is a boy's name of British origin. It derives from the Old English word wild-eor, meaning “wild animal.”

    • 864. Judson

      Judson is of English origin and means "Son of Judd."

    • 865. Khai

      Arabic: benevolence, sea/

    • 866. Kye

      Kye is of English origin meaning "Peaceful."

    • 867. Axl

      Axl means "Divine source of life", originating in Sweden.

    • 868. Crue
    • 869. Ernesto

      Ernesto is of Old German origin and means "Vigorous."

    • 870. Ahmir

      Ahmir is of Arabic origin and means "prince, rich."

    • 871. Zyon

      Zyon is a Hebrew name that means"Israel."

    • 872. Aries

      Aries is derived from the constellation, additionally it is a habitational name from either of two places in Kirkcudbrightshire named Airies (earlier written Aries, Aryes).

    • 873. Mustafa

      Mustafa is of Arabic origin and means "The chosen one."

    • 874. Santos

      Santos is of Italian origin and means "A saint."

    • 875. Dane

      Dane in English is "one who comes from Denmark"; a variant form of “Danish.”

    • 876. Damari

      Damari is of Greek and Latin origin and means "gentle and kind."

    • 877. Elio

      Elio is both Italian and Spanish and means "Sun."

    • 878. Jadiel

      Jadiel is of Hebrew origin that means "one who will judge."

    • 879. Jovanni

      Jovanni is a boy's name with Italian and Latin origins meaning “God is gracious”.

    • 880. Salvatore

      Salvatore is of Spanish origin and means "Savior."

    • 881. Mathew

      Mathew is of Hebrew origin and means "Gift of God."

    • 882. Kolson
    • 883. Nova

      Nova is of Latin origin and means "new."

    • 884. Brendan

      Brendan is Old English meaning "Fiery Hill."

    • 885. Murphy

      The name Murphy is Irish for "Sea warrior"

    • 886. Brodie

      Brodie is a habitational name from Brodie Castle in Moray.

    • 887. Damir

      Damir is a Slavic name meaning "to give peace."

    • 888. Rocky

      Rocky is of Old English origin and means "Rock fortress."

    • 889. Larry

      Larry is of Latin origin meaning "Laurel crown."

    • 890. Fisher

      Fisher is a masculine title that comes from the Middle English word fischer.

    • 891. Waylen
    • 892. Byron

      Byron is a habitational name from Byram in West Yorkshire or Byrom in Lancashire, both named with Old English b̄rum "at the cattle sheds", dative plural of b̄re "byre."

    • 893. Ermias

      Ermias is a boy's name of African origin and means "God will rise."

    • 894. Joey

      Joey is of Hebrew origin meaning "He shall add."

    • 895. Joe

      Joe is of Hebrew origin meaning "He shall add."

    • 896. Jon

      Jon is of Hebrew origin meaning "God's gift."

    • 897. Arian

      Arian is of Greek origin meaning enchanted, and was the name of a poet who was rescued by dolphins after being thrown into the sea.

    • 898. Chosen
    • 899. Jairo
    • 900. Vihaan

      Vihaan is Spanish name that means "handsome."

    • 901. Kylen

      Kylen is of Irish and Gaelic origin and means “narrow” and “straight.”

    • 902. Ameer

      Ameer is of Arabic origins meaning princely.

    • 903. Dion
    • 904. Jrue
    • 905. Kaizen
    • 906. Yousef

      Yousef is of Hebrew origin and means "He shall add."

    • 907. Bryant

      Bryant is of Irish origin meaning "Strong."

    • 908. Cullen

      Cullen has Greek and Irish origin, meaning "Famous one" and "Handsome" respectively.

    • 909. Kaisen
    • 910. Kelvin

      Kelvin is of English and Irish origin meaning "From the river."

    • 911. Zen
    • 912. Kartier

      Kartier is of French origin and derives from "transporter of goods by cart."

    • 913. Randy

      Randy is of Latin origin and means "Extraordinary."

    • 914. Shepard

      Shepard is of Old English origin and means "One who herds sheep."

    • 915. Alaric

      Alaric is of German origin meaning Noble ruler.

    • 916. Cain

      Cain is an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Iain, patronymic from Iain, one of the Gaelic forms of John.

    • 917. Jeremias

      Jeremias is of Hebrew origin meaning "Chosen by God."

    • 918. Alfonso

      Alfonso derives from the Visigothic personal name Adelfonsus, composed of the elements hathu "war" + funs "ready."

    • 919. Brecken

      Brecken is an American name meaning "freckled, speckled."

    • 920. Colten

      Colten is derived from English and means "Coal Town."

    • 921. Gian

      Gian is of Hebrew origin and means "Gift from God."

    • 922. Rhodes
    • 923. Wesson

      Wesson is primarily a male name of English origin that means "From The West Town."

    • 924. Duncan
    • 925. Harold

      Harold is of Old German origin and means "Commander."

    • 926. Henrik

      Henrik is of Old English origin and means "Lord's manor."

    • 927. Harley

      Harley means "rabbit archer." This Old English name originated as a boys' name, but has developed into a popular girl and gender-neutral name overtime.

    • 928. Alistair

      Alistair is Scottish meaning "defender of mankind" a version of Alexander.

    • 929. Agustin

      Agustin from the Spanish personal name Agustín, a vernacular form of Latin Augustinus.

    • 930. Jericho

      Jericho is of Arabic origin meaning "City of the moon."

    • 931. Talon

      Talon is of English origin meaning "Sharp claw."

    • 932. Westyn
    • 933. Cassian

      Cassian is Latin meaning "Vain."

    • 934. Eugene

      Eugene in both Greek and English origin the name means "Well-born."

    • 935. Ryatt
    • 936. Shmuel
    • 937. Braden

      Braden an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Bradáin "descendant of Bradán", a personal name meaning "salmon."

    • 938. Yahya
    • 939. Aldo

      English:Old and wise

    • 940. Dangelo

      Dangelo is a patronymic from the personal name Angelo, or Italian origin.

    • 941. Ezrah
    • 942. Korbin

      Korbin is of Old French origin meaning "Raven."

    • 943. Zavier

      Zavier is of Arabic origin and means "Bright" or "Splendid."

    • 944. Bronson

      Bronson is an English variant of Brunson.

    • 945. Teo
    • 946. Jones

      Jones is of Hebrew origin meaning "God's grace."

    • 947. Neo

      Greek name for boy"s meaning "new."

    • 948. Stefan

      Stefan is of Greek and German origin meaning "Crown."

    • 949. Van

      Van is of Middle English origin and means "Dweller at the windmill."

    • 950. Mekhi

      Mekhi is a male name of Hebrew origin meaning "who is like God."

    • 951. Coleson

      Coleson is of English origin, and patronymic from Cole.

    • 952. Eren
    • 953. Ignacio

      Spanish boy"s name meaning "fire."

    • 954. Kristian

      Kristian is of Greek origin meaning "Anointed."

    • 955. Harlem

      Harlem is of American origin that means "Sandy Ridge" or "Home."

    • 956. Zev

      Zev is a Hebrew name meaning "der" or "wolf."

    • 957. Canaan

      Canaan is a modern Hebrew name from Canaan, name of the promised land in the Bible.

    • 958. Cedric
    • 959. Khalid

      Khalid is of Arabic origin and means "Immortal."

    • 960. Bode

      Bode is a occupational name for a messenger or representative, Dutch bode, Middle Low German bode.

    • 961. Gary

      Gary in Norse means "Enclosure" while French origin means "Watchful," and German origin means "Spear Carrier."

    • 962. Rene

      Rene is of Old English origin and means "Powerful one."

    • 963. Benedict

      Latin name meaning "blessed."

    • 964. Maxton

      Scottish : habitational name after the place Maxtoon in Roxburghshire.

    • 965. Thatcher

      Thatcher is of Old English origin meaning "Roof fixer."

    • 966. Wallace

      Wallace comes from Old English and means "Welshman."

    • 967. Davian

      Davian is an English boy"s name that means "beloved."

    • 968. Gordon

      Gordon is of Old English origin and means "Fertilized pasture."

    • 969. Niklaus

      Niklaus is of Greek and Slavic origins and means "victory of the people."

    • 970. Yisroel

      Yisroel is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "wrestled With God."

    • 971. Kabir

      Kabir is of Hindi origin and means "Spiritual leader."

    • 972. Osman

      Old English: Inspired; divine

    • 973. Adler

      Adler denotes someone living in a house identified by the sign of an eagle.

    • 974. Darian

      Darian is of Persian origin, meaning "King."

    • 975. Terry
    • 976. Cartier
    • 977. Osiris

      Osiris is of Egyptian origin and means "eysight" or "powerful."

    • 978. Vance

      Vance is of Middle English origin and means "Dweller at the windmill."

    • 979. Demetrius

      Demetrius means "Lover of the earth" and has a Greek origin.

    • 980. Kamryn

      The name Kamryn is of American origins and means "crooked nose."

    • 981. Lux
    • 982. Stone
    • 983. Jaxx

      Jaxx is a shortened form of the English name Jackson, Jaxx means “son of Jack.”

    • 984. Kooper
    • 985. Rodney

      Rodney is of German origin and means "Famous one."

    • 986. Aurelio
    • 987. Darwin
    • 988. Jakob

      Jakob is derived from the Hebrew Yaakov—itself formed from the word akev, "at the heel," Jacoby means "supplanter."

    • 989. Zechariah

      Zechariah is of Hebrew origin and means "God remembers."

    • 990. Brennan

      Brennan is Old English meaning "Fiery Hill."

    • 991. Marlon
    • 992. Meir
    • 993. Yael
    • 994. Asaiah
    • 995. Atharv

      Atharv is a name of Indian origin derived from the Sanskrit word for knowledge.

    • 996. Imran
    • 997. Ivaan
    • 998. Kanan
    • 999. Kalel

      Kalel is a newly invented name from the Superman comics. Kael is Superman's Kryptonian name.

    • 1000. London

      The name London is of English origin and is often thought of as the fortress of the moon.

    Browse Surnames Alphabetically

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