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My daughter is a baby hoarder. She can spot an old raggity doll in a church nursery from 30 feet away, So of course we asked Santa to bring her lots of babies, and he did. This activity wasn't a planned post instead it was playroom fun that was going so well I grabbed my camera.  The best kind of post in my opinion!

You will need some babies ( call me if you are short we have  a few extra), a laundry basket, something to pretend to be water like a blue blanket, some bath toys that are familiar to your child, wash cloth ( or old dried out baby wipe), and a towel.

Go through the bath routine you have with your child with the dolls. I was in awe at how my 18 month old loved taking the role that is normally her dads. She carefully undressed, washed and even rinsed each baby's hair. Of course this was all free of water and just pretend but still incredibly fun!

We often think of pretend play as needing to be some fantastical imaginary play when young kids are simply wanting to practice being in our shoes.

When her dad came home from work in her broken toddler words she explained what she did and my the excitement in her recount I know we will be doing this again...and again!

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