Puzzle (for a group) Costume
Time: About two hours, depending on how many people are helping
Effort: Fairly easy - some sewing
- Foam poster board (as many sheets as there are participants)
- Material for straps
- Markers/pencils
- Scissors
- Friends
- Velcro?
Instructions: Decide how many people you want in the costume. Lightly, in pencil, draw the outlines of the puzzle pieces you want. On the pieces of poster board, draw a continuous Halloween scene and color it in. Cut along the poster board edges to make interlocking puzzle pieces. Place Velcro? on back of puzzle pieces as well on the strap ends. Attach straps and slide arms in. Make sure the pieces attach when you stand together. You are all set!
Tips: The project doesn't require sewing, but it does require some crafty ability and patience - most of all, an open mind. This is a great project for two or three people, more than that and it starts to get confusing. Also, when going door to door, say "Trick or treat!" while standing together, then separate to receive candy.