Crafts for Every Holiday
In this article, you will find:
Mother's Day
Mother's Day: May
In Europe, Mother's Day began during the middle ages as "Mothering Sunday." Young people of the proper age would leave their homes to learn their trades and begin their apprenticeships, but shortly before Easter they would return to see their families. The Sunday following their return was know as Mothering Sunday. The family would attend church and the young person would give gifts to both the church and his mother.
Dads and kids should work together to make mom "Queen for a Day" on this day. Pamper her and do any work around the house that needs doing, such as washing the dishes. Prepare her breakfast in bed.
Encourage your children give a gift of nature or something they've made themselves: Many projects in this book are easily adaptable to Mother's Day. Make homemade cards. Take this time to tell and show her how much you appreciate what she does for the family the whole year through. Tell her you love her.