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Framed Flowers

Melting crayon shavings on spring flowers or fall leaves can result in lovely greeting cards or art for the wall.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Preschooler's Busy Book

Framed Flowers


  • Flowers or leaves
  • Crayon shavings
  • Wax paper
  • Newspaper
  • Iron


  1. Go out on a walk with your child and pick some pretty spring flowers or fall leaves.
  2. At home, make shavings of brightly colored crayons with a grater or knife.
  3. Place a piece of wax paper, wax side up, on top of several layers of newspaper on your work surface.
  4. Arrange the flowers or leaves on top of the wax paper and sprinkle with crayon shavings.
  5. Cover with another piece of wax paper, wax side down.
  6. Place several layers of newspaper on top and iron thoroughly until the crayons are melted.
  7. Hang to dry.
  8. A smaller version glued to one half of a folded piece of construction paper makes a unique and beautiful greeting card.

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