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Friendship Bracelet

Your child can make these nifty, easy bracelets out of beads, nail polish, and fishing line.

By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book |
Updated: December 1, 2022
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book |
Updated: December 1, 2022

Friendship Bracelet

Your child can make one of these nifty, easy bracelets for each of his friends.


  • Assorted beads
  • Elastic cord or fishing line
  • Towel
  • Clear nail polish
  • Scissors Clasp (with fishing line)


  1. Lay the beads on a towel to keep them from rolling around and have your child arrange them in any pattern he likes.
  2. Cut a length of elastic cord or fishing line six inches longer than the circumference of your child's wrist.
  3. Then string the beads in one of the following ways:
    • If you're using cord, tie an anchor bead to the end of the cord.
      Have your child string the beads in the order he's chosen. (If he's using letter beads, make sure they're facing the right way.)
      Tie the ends together so the bracelet fits your child's wrist snugly but stretches enough to slip over his hand.
      Brush nail polish on the knot to make it more secure.

    • If you're using fishing line, tie a clasp to one end of the line.
      Have your child string the beads in the order he's chosen. (If he's using letter beads, make sure they're facing the right way.)
      Tie the other end of the line to the clasp, making sure the bracelet will fit your child's wrist when the clasp is fastened.
      Brush nail polish onto the knots to make them more secure.

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