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Sand Art

Follow these simple instructions with your child to make a work of art out of sand and plaster.

By: Christine Dvornik |
Updated: December 1, 2022
By: Christine Dvornik |
Updated: December 1, 2022

Sand Art

Age: Preschool through elementary
Time: An afternoon
Type of activity: Arts and Crafts

This activity lets you put the sand your kids drag home from the beach or park to good use!

Materials Needed:
· Sand
· A tray; an old cookie sheet; or a large, flat bowl
· Plaster of Paris
· Tempra paints (any color)
· Paintbrushes

What to Do:

Step One: Fill the tray with damp sand, adding a little water if necessary.

Step Two: Make a design in the sand. You can use your fingers, paintbrushes, or even cookie cutters.

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Step Three: When you're happy with your design, spoon the wet plaster into the tray.

Step Four: Spread the plaster evenly (and carefully!) over the entire tray.

Step Five: Let the plaster dry -- this can take anywhere from a few hours to an entire afternoon.

Step Six: When the plaster is dry, remove the newly formed mold from the tray.

Step Seven: Brush away any loose pieces of sand.

Step Eight: Paint your mold and you'll have a piece of art!

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