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Car Book

Cut out car pictures from magazines, and make a car book with your toddler.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Toddler's Busy Book

Car Book


  • Old magazines
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Clear contact paper
  • Hole punch
  • Ribbon


  1. Look through old magazines for pictures of cars or other vehicles.
  2. Cut out the pictures and glue them to pieces of construction paper.
  3. Protect the pages by covering them with clear contact paper.
  4. Punch two or three holes in the left margin of each page, then thread ribbon through the holes to make a book. (If you like, use a ring binder or staple the pages together.)
  5. Give your child her car book to look through as you drive along.
  6. Ask her questions as she looks at the pages.
  7. For example, "Can you find a blue car?" or "Can you find a truck?" and so on.

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