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Marble Target

This game involves shooting marbles through the air and into a metal cake pan.

By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book |
Updated: December 1, 2022
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book |
Updated: December 1, 2022

Marble Target


  • Metal cake pan
  • Marbles


  1. Set out a small metal cake pan as a target.
  2. The first player crouches ten feet from the pan and tries to flick his marbles one at a time into the pan.
  3. If he hits the target, he continues to shoot. If he misses, his turn ends.
  4. Players take turns shooting in this way.
  5. The winner is the first player to land five marbles in the pan.
  6. If children have difficulty flicking their marbles, you can draw a target with chalk and have the kids roll their marbles toward the target.
  7. The winner is the first player to land five marbles inside the target.
  8. A child playing alone can try to land five marbles in the target within a certain amount of time or count how many marbles he must shoot before he lands five in the target.

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