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Firefly, Firefly

You can play this circle game during the day, but it's so much more fun in the dark!

Firefly, Firefly

Activity for a group

Age group: 30-40 months

Duration of activity: 15 minutes


  • Flashlight

You can play this game during the day, but it so much more fun in the dark.

  1. All players stand in a circle.
  2. Select one person to be "It." That player takes the flashlight and stands in the center.
  3. The person in the middle turns around while everyone recites the following chant.
    Firefly firefly in the night,
    Firefly firefly shining bright.
    Turn to your left,
    And turn to your right,
    Pick a new friend and shine your light.
  4. The person in the center then shines the flashlight on someone in the outer circle. That person becomes the new firefly.

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