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Names Hopscotch

This version of the hopscotch game allows players to claim spaces as their own.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book

Names Hopscotch


  • Chalk


  1. Use chalk to draw any kind of hopscotch court.
  2. The first player hops up the court and back again on one foot, hopping in each space both up and back.
  3. If he does this without fouling out (hopping on a line or putting both feet down), he can claim any one space by writing his name on it with chalk.
  4. If he fouls out, his turn ends.
  5. The players take turns hopping and claiming spaces in the same way.
  6. A player must hop over spaces claimed by others, but he may hop with both feet in his own space.
  7. Play continues when all the spaces have been claimed, but at this point anyone who fouls out is out of the game.
  8. The game ends when only one player-the winner-remains.

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