by: Erin Dower
Looking for a gift for your iPod or iPhone obsessed child? Find the perfect iPhone/iPod case and accessories for kids of all ages, whether you're looking for holiday gifts and stocking stuffers or a graduation or birthday gift for your hard-to-please teen or tween.
Editor’s Note: We know raising kids can be hard. That’s why we’re dedicated to making your life easier with the latest and greatest parenting advice and products. We wanted to let you know that if you chose to purchase one of the items featured in this post, we may receive a small commission for it.

LEGO iPhone Case
Price: $14.99
Recommended ages: 10-17 years

Owl Tech Case Sewing Kit
Price: $7.99
Recommended ages: 8-13 years

Happy Plugs Earbuds
Price: $24.99
Recommended ages: 9-17 years

Smartphone Stand
Price: $6.99
Recommended ages: 11-17 years

iPhone Lens and Tripod Kit
Price: $29.99
Recommended ages: 11-17 years

Tunes for Two Headphone Splitter for iPhone or iPod
Price: $10.00
Recommended ages: 11-17 years

Laugh and Learn Apptivity Case for iPhone
Price: $15.00
Recommended ages: 0-4 years