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by: Rachel Sokol

Looking for gifts to celebrate Rosh Hashana — the Jewish New Year — with your kids? Here's a round-up of some of our favorite educational and symbolic gifts for this meaningful holiday. Rosh Hashana is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, believed in the Jewish religion to be the first man and woman. It is observed for two days beginning on the very first day of the Jewish year (it begins the evening of October 2 and ends the evening of October 4, 2016).

"Another way to think of Rosh Hashana is as 'the birthday of the world,'" says Rabbi Miriam Wajnberg, director of Adult Jewish Learning and Interfaith Engagement at the JCC Manhattan. "Families could bake the world a birthday cake, and say what they'd wish for the world, or take turns saying what they’d like to give the world as a birthday present." Since birthdays tend to involve presents, what better way for kids to learn about, and celebrate, Rosh Hashana than with gifts, right? Take a peek at these cool ideas!

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