Strawberry Ornament
A walnut that's painted red looks remarkably like a strawberry, and it makes a delightful Christmas tree ornament.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book
Strawberry Ornament
- Large whole walnuts in the shell
- Green felt
- 4 inches thin gold cord or ribbon
- Paintbrushes
- Red and black acrylic paint
- Glue gun
- Scissors
- Magnet (optional)
- Ruler
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- Have your child paint a walnut red.
- When the paint is dry, use a very fine brush to paint tiny black dots all over the walnut.
- Cut a 1 1/2-inch square of green felt.
- Then cut a 4-pointed star from the felt. Poke a small hole in the center of the star. Glue the ends of the cord or ribbon onto one end of the walnut shell to make a hanging loop.
- Slip the felt star over the loop and glue it onto the walnut. Voilã - a strawberry!
- Omit the cord or ribbon and glue a small magnet onto one side of the walnut.