These Easter eggs will get your spring holiday hopping with happiness and smiles. Gather the kids and craft a few or all of these creative, fun, and colorful eggs for the Easter bunny to deliver!

With a bit of adult supervision, children can make these creative and unique marble Easter eggs for the holiday.Read the instructions for Marble Eggs.

These confetti eggs are an easy craft that's a lot of fun for your kids!
Read the instructions for Confetti Conkers.

Round up your family to make these beautiful Easter eggs. You can use them as decorations year after year.Read the instructions for Lacey Eggs.

Create colorful patterns on eggs using masking tape. Read the instructions for Dip and Dye Eggs.

Your kids will have a blast making these bright and colorful tissue paper eggs with you for the Easter holiday. Read the instructions Tissue Paper Eggs.

Using ordinary rubber bands, your children can create wonderful designs for Easter egg dyeing.Read the instructions for Rubber Band Eggs.

Get your children's creative juices flowing with this fun Easter egg painting project.Read the instructions for Splatter Eggs.

For a beautiful and simple result, children can decorate eggs with holiday stickers.Read the instructions for Sticker Eggs.