4 Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
We get it. As much as we all like to plan ahead, when you're a mom, it's not always possible. So, if you suddenly find yourself with only a few days (or less!) standing between you and Halloween, and you still need a Halloween costume for you or your little one, don't panic. Here are some amazing last-minute Halloween costume ideas that look so great everyone will think you've been planning them for years:
1. Minion
Does your little one love Minions? What kid doesn't? For this costume, get a pair of overalls and a yellow sweatshirt. Then, pick up a pair of goggles and black gloves. You can find them at your local home improvement store, or even at the dollar store. Finally, grab some black yarn for hair.
Put the sweatshirt on underneath the overalls with the hood up. Glue a few short strands of black yarn to the hood for hair. Add the goggles and black gloves. Ta da! Your little one is a little minion. This one would also work for parents just as easily.
2. Mummy
Head to the local fabric store and buy a bunch of white cotton material or go the cheap route and pick up a couple sheets at the thrift store. Rip the sheets into strips. It's essential to rip the fabric to get the fabric really jagged and authentic-looking.
Next, brew a pot of coffee and die the strips in the coffee for an hour or so just so they don't look too white. Rinse and dry. Then, dress your child (or yourself) all in white and tie the strips around them. Tie one strip to the next while leaving some hanging down. Finish with some white face paint with gray around the eyes. This costume looks best if you can get the whole family in on the action!
3. S'mores Family
Here are s'more easy costumes you can make with cardboard! For this costume, the adults typically are the graham crackers, while the kids are the chocolate and marshmallow. Or, mix it up and have one kid be a graham cracker, while mom dresses up like a marshmallow and dad is the chocolate. The possibilities are endless.
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You just need two large pieces of cardboard for each graham cracker costume, two smaller rectangular pieces for the chocolate costume, and two white pillows for the marshmallow costume. For the graham cracker costume, simply use a black permanent marker to draw in the lines and dots to make it look like a graham cracker. Punch two holes in the top of each piece of cardboard and connect using yarn or twine.
For the chocolate costume, you'll need two skinny rectangular pieces of cardboard. Spray paint the cardboard brown. Use alphabet stencils and silver paint to paint the word "Hershey" down each piece of cardboard. Then, punch two holes in the top of each piece of cardboard and connect using yarn or twine.
Finally, for the marshmallow costume, take two pillows (you'll need to adjust the size of the pillows for the size of the child wearing the costume) and tie them onto the child, one in the front and one in the back, using a piece of white yarn right around the middle. Make sure they're wearing white! Use white fabric tape to secure the pillows together over the shoulders. Viola! In just a few minutes the whole family has a great group costume.
3. Emoji
Turn your kid's favorite emoji into the easiest costume ever. Just cut two large pieces of cardboard into circles. Spray paint the cardboard yellow and use acrylic paint to paint on the faces. Punch two holes in the top of each cardboard circle and thread some yarn or twine through. These cardboard emojis are so easy to make, the whole family can jump on board.
So, if you're invited to a last-minute party, or simply forgot Halloween was coming up, you're saved. These last-minute Halloween costume ideas won't let anyone in on the secret that they really took you just minutes to make. Have fun and stay safe!