Cops and Robbers Costume (For a Group)
Time: 1 hour
Effort: Quick and easy no sewing required
- 4 or 5 rolls of black electrical tape
- Scissors
- Iron
- White iron-on cloth
- (For cops)
- Dark blue sweats
- Keystone-cop-type hat
- Plastic policeman's stick
- (For robbers)
- Grey sweats
Instructions: For each cop, cut out the word POLICE and a large star from the cloth, and iron them on the blue sweatshirt. For each robber, make a striped pattern in electrical tape over both pieces of the sweats, and then print out a large number and tape it to the back of the sweatshirt.
Other details: The tape does start to come off after a couple of hours, so this is not a costume that lasts a long time!