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Ham and Cheese Sandwich Costume

Follow these simple directions to create a Ham and Cheese Sandwich costume.

Ham and Cheese Sandwich Costume

Time: 1 hour

Effort: Easy - no sewing required


  • Two pieces of poster-size white foam board
  • 1 yard of 1-inch foam rubber
  • Green tissue paper
  • Pink, yellow, and brown craft paint and paintbrushes
  • Tacky glue
  • 1/2 yard ribbon
  • Sponge

Instructions: Cut corners of the each foam board to the shape of a large slice of bread. Paint edges of form board brown like bread crust. Using sponge, lightly sponge center of foam board with the brown paint to give the appearance of bread (you only need to paint one side of each board). Cut foam rubber into pieces to look like Swiss cheese (don't forget the holes) and a piece of ham. Paint the ham and Swiss cheese (yellow for the cheese and pink for the ham). Crinkle green tissue paper for the lettuce. Glue the tissue to the unpainted side of each foam board. (It needs to stick out of the sides.) Glue the pieces of ham and cheese to the inside of the foam boards so that they stick out from the sides. On the top of the foam boards make two holes at the left and right corners. Make sure the holes line up on both boards. Put ribbon through the two left and the two right holes. Slip the form boards over the person - one in front and one in back. Adjust ribbons for proper fit and knot them.

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