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Peasant Girl Costume

Follow these simple directions to create a Peasant Girl costume.

Peasant Girl Costume

Time: 1 hour

Effort: Easy - no sewing required


  • Two full-cut skirts with elastic waistbands
  • Off-the-shoulder blouse with "puffy" sleeves
  • Tight-fitting vest
  • Rawhide lacing
  • Old ankle-high boots (or sandals, weather permitting)
  • Large pendant (cross or "coat of arms" types work well)

Instructions: Wear both skirts - gather one side of top skirt and either tuck into waistband, or just tie a knot in it so that you can see the under skirt. Tuck blouse into skirts. Remove buttons from vest and cut holes in their place (there should be an equal number of holes on both sides). "Lace-up" the front of the vest with the rawhide - pull tight like a corset.

Tips: Earth tones work best for this costume. Try to stay away from bright colors and patterns. Don't worry about colors not matching - this costume looks best if each item is a different color. Visit your local goodwill or thrift shop for these items.

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