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Corncob Painting

In this art activity, your toddler paints a Kwanzaa place mat with a corn cob.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Toddler's Busy Book

Corncob Painting

Corn is a traditional part of the Kwanzaa celebration. Fresh corn is difficult (or impossible) to get at this time of year, so use a dried corncob for this activity.


  • Paper
  • Flat box (the kind a 24-pack of soda comes in) or large baking pan
  • Red, green, and black liquid tempera paint
  • Flat container for paint (big enough to fit the corn)
  • Corncob (husk removed)
  • Clear contact paper (optional)


  1. Place a sheet of paper in the flat box or baking pan.
  2. Pour the liquid tempera paint into a shallow, flat container.
  3. Place one whole corncob into the paint. Roll the corncob around so that it is completely covered with paint.
  4. Place the paint-covered corncob in the box with the paper and let your child rotate the box around so that the corncob rolls from side to side.
  5. If you like, use another corncob in a different color paint and repeat the rolling process until your child decides he is done.
  6. Let the painting dry.
  7. If you like, cover with clear contact paper and use as a Kwanzaa place mat.
  8. For variety, use only red and green paint on a piece of black construction paper.

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