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7 New Year's Resolutions Teens Can Make

New year's resolutions for teens? Heck, yes! Check out our suggestions.
Updated: December 1, 2022

Did your teen overhear you discussing goals for the year? Encourage him to also adopt some new year's resolutions. The key is proposing age-appropriate and realistic changes. Mention a few of these to your teen, and see what sticks!

Stay Unplugged After Bedtime

When it's time hit the sheets, leave the cell phone on a charger away from the bed. This eliminates late night texting or social media browsing, which can keep kids up way too late, making them groggy and less productive at school the next day. Once your teen realizes how nice it is to get restful sleep, this resolution will be pretty easy to adopt!

Help Siblings More Often

Explain to your teen that if she could give her little brother or sister a ride to sports practice or school once a week, that would really help you out. This resolution helps instill a feeling of importance and responsibility. Plus, it makes your day a little lighter!

Texting and Driving

Photo Source: Pexels / Roman Pohorecki

No More Texting and Driving

There's no debate about it, using a cellphone while driving is dangerous. Have your teen will agree to a no-texting rule when behind the wheel. Remind him that sending messages before stepping into the car and after he had parked is just fine.

Write Thank You Notes

We rarely take time to really let people know how we feel. Offer to buy your teen a box of 12 thank-you note cards and explain he can send out one each month. He can show gratitude to teachers, neighbors, friends, mentors, or family.

Photography Hobby

Photo Source: Pexels / Unsplash

Learn a New Hobby

Whether they decide to join a neighborhood group of kids who play basketball every Saturday morning, dig out your old film photography gear, or discover a love for baking treats from scratch, encourage your teen to try something new. This hobby could pave the way for a career choice!

Reach Out to Elderly Relatives

The high school years are busy with extracurricular activities, homework, and future planning. Help your teen realize it's a good idea to also make an extra effort to spend time with their grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and other elderly relatives. Offering them a ride to school events or visiting with them one evening a week will brighten their days.

Try Volunteer Work

Look to your local animal shelter, after-school tutoring programs, the church, or community center for opportunities to volunteer. Helping with an annual fundraiser or committing to weekly reading sessions with an elementary student will make your teen feel good about giving back.

When you talk with your teen about making new year's resolutions, remind them it's their choice. They should choose something that makes them feel proud and happy. And as always, if their resolution isn't the right fit, they can try something else!

Featured Photo Source: Pexels / Unsplash

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