Funny Valentines for Kids
Valentine's Day cards don't have to be syrupy sweet. Here's a Valentine's Day art activity your kids will love.
Updated: December 1, 2022
Funny Valentines for Kids
Age: Preschool through elementaryTime: 30 minutes or more
Type of activity: Arts and Crafts
Your child will have a ball creating these quirky decorations that you can hang around your home for Valentine's Day.
Materials Needed:
- Pink and red construction paper
- Scotch tape
- Elmer's glue
- Markers
- Thin ribbon
- Glitter, buttons, other decorative items (optional)
- Draw and cut out heart shapes from the pink and red paper. Your hearts can range in size from 5 to 10 inches in diameter.
- For each heart you make, cut four 1/2" x 10" strips of construction paper in a contrasting color. For example, for a red heart cut pink paper strips.
- Draw and cut four tiny hearts (approximately 1 inch) to make "hands" and "feet" for your Valentines.
- Bend each strip of paper into an accordion shape. On the back of your heart, tape two of these strips to the bottom for "legs." Tape two strips to the top of your heart for "arms."
- Glue the tiny hearts to the ends of each strip to make "hands" and "feet."
- Draw a face on your Valentine. Use glitter, buttons, or other decorative materials to personalize it. Tape thin ribbon to the back of your Valentine so it will be ready to hang for the big day!
Take it Further: To help your child see that love matters to everyone, read Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli, illustrated by Paul Yalowitz. This is a great read for four-to eight-year-olds.