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Address Book

Keeping track of addresses helps your child practice his writing skills and learn address formatting.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book

Address Book

Keeping track of the addresses of friends and family members helps your child practice his writing skills, learn about alphabetical order, and learn how to write addresses correctly.

  • Pencil, pen, or marker
  • Index cards
  • Ruled paper
  • Blank address book or small notebook
  • Stationery and postage stamps (optional)


  1. Tell your child that an address book organizes information alphabetically by last name.
  2. Write the names and addresses of friends and family members on index cards.
  3. Have your child organize the cards in alphabetical order.
  4. Next, show your child the correct format for writing an address.
  5. Let him practice writing his own name and address on ruled paper.
  6. Have your child copy the names and addresses on the index cards into a blank address book or a small notebook. If you're using a notebook, label the pages alphabetically.
  7. Encourage your child to use his address book when sending letters, greeting cards, and thank-you cards to friends and family.
  8. If you like, give him a supply of stationery and postage stamps.

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