Child's Time Capsule
Help your child write a letter expressing her likes and dislikes, and then make a time capsule to put it in.
Time- 30 minutes to an hour
- A few of your child's favorite things
- Make a time capsule together and be sure to include a few of your child's favorite things.
- Help your child to write a letter describing her favorite activities, friends, subjects, teacher, etc. Date the capsule, seal it with heavy tape, and put it away for a year, labeling it with the date you will open it. This activity guarantees that you will be talking during and afterward.
- Have your child help to make a time capsule for you, selecting things that you care about.
- Talk about what you would both put into a capsule for your neighborhood, city, or country.
- Discuss what an imaginary character on television or in a book would put into a time capsule.