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Color Cube

You can make color cubes from milk cartons and colored construction or contact paper. Then use them in lots of fun games.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Toddler's Busy Book

Color Cube


  • Empty milk cartons (any size will do)
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Construction or contact paper in six different colors
  • Glue
  • Clear contact paper


  1. Choose two milk cartons the same size. Measure the base of one carton and mark a cutting line that same distance up the side of the carton.
  2. Cut along the line.
  3. Cut the other carton in the same way.
  4. You should now have two open-ended cubes.
  5. Push one cube open-end-down into the other cube.
  6. Tape around the cut edges.
  7. Cut squares to fit one side of the cube out of six different colors of construction paper.
  8. Glue one square to each side of the cube.
  9. Cover with clear contact paper for durability.
  10. You can use your color cube in many different ways:
    • Have your child throw the cube up in the air; when it lands, ask her to bring you something that matches the color on top of the cube.
    • Cut squares of construction paper in the same colors as the cube and cover with clear contact paper. When she tosses the cube in the air, have her hand you the color card that matches the color on top of the cube.
    • Match the colors on the cube to crayons, toys, or Duplo.
    • Come up with matching activities of your own. You can also make a shape cube and matching cards and play in the same way.

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