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Ninety-Nine Bottles of...

Here's a good way to pass the time on a road trip. The entire family will enjoy this variation on an old-time favorite song.

Ninety-Nine Bottles of...

Okay, everybody knows the tune, and everybody knows that there is a whole lot of beer involved. And you probably also know that as you get down to about seventy-five bottles (that's twenty-five verses, already!), the average parent wants to scream.

But you're creative! You're going to change the game to keep it interesting for everyone. Every time you go down one number (such as ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-seven, and so on), think of a different beverage or liquid! For example, start with ninety-nine bottles of beer, then ninety-eight bottles of Coke, on down to twenty bottles of Johnson's Baby Shampoo on the wall. Take turns thinking of a new item, until everyone runs out of ideas. Then, and this rule is very clear, you HAVE TO STOP SINGING THAT SONG!

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