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Now Hear This!

This School Readiness Activity provides early literacy thinking experiences for preschool children that will prepare them to do well in the early grades.

Now Hear This!

language awareness 85Children are great mimics. When you tell stories, your child will begin to tell stories, too.

What to do:

1. Have your child tell stories like those you have told. Then ask, "And then what happened?" to urge the story along.

2. Listen closely when your child speaks. Be enthusiastic and responsive.

3. If you don't understand some part of the story, take the time to get your child to explain. This will help him understand the relationship between a speaker and a listener and an author and a reader.

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4. Encourage your child to express herself. This will help her develop a wide vocabulary. It can also help with pronouncing words clearly.

Having a good audience is very helpful for a child to improve language skills, as well as poise in speaking. You can be the best audience your child will ever have!

Source: Helping Your Child Learn to Read, U.S. Department of Education

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