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Rain Gauge

Teach your child how to measure precipitation after every storm, with this homemade rain gauge.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book

Rain Gauge


  • Popsicle stick
  • Ruler
  • Waterproof marker
  • Clean, empty soup can
  • Colorful contact paper or paintbrush, acrylic paints, and clear acrylic spray (optional)
  • Glue
  • Plastic bucket and sand (optional)


  1. Lay a Popsicle stick next to a ruler, aligning the ends.
  2. Use a waterproof marker to copy the ruler markings onto the Popsicle stick.
  3. Mark every inch, half-inch, quarter-inch, and eighth-inch on the Popsicle stick.
  4. If you like, have your child decorate a clean, empty soup can with colorful contact paper or acrylic paint.
  5. If your child paints the can, finish it with clear acrylic spray.
  6. Stand the Popsicle stick inside the can and glue it onto the side of the can.
  7. Set the can outside in a place where it won't tip over. If you like, place the can in a plastic bucket and pack sand around it.
  8. After a rainfall, read your Popsicle stick ruler to see how much rain has fallen.
  9. If you like, log your readings on a calendar or in a weather notebook.
  10. Pour the rain out of the can after each reading.

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